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Everything posted by Surhoffan17

  1. Never should they allow a team to go this long without an off day. Unless it's with old September roster expansion rules.
  2. So disappointing. We are still in the driver's seat for the division even if we lose the game, but I feel like we need the stupid Jays to win a few against Tampa. Not sure we will get 5 of 9 even against bad teams. See the StL series though we have dominated bad teams generally speaking.
  3. Awful. Feels insurmountable even after some huge offensive performances this week.
  4. Is it too many fastballs for Grayson? We know he threw a bunch against Tampa. Maybe Cleveland was expecting it this game?
  5. Geesh...we have hardly any available relievers. Grayson will be lucky to get through 5.
  6. I think Webb pitched Monday and not last night. But you're right that he's available today.
  7. Yep...just so frustrating at this point every time we lose. It's like each loss is a gut punch.
  8. The Athletics made it to three WS appearances winning the first two and losing the third one. It was a tremendous team with Grove, Foxx, Al Simmons, and Mickey Cochrane. 1931 was the last of those appearances but Foxx won back-to-back MVPs in 32 and 33, so maybe mid-30's?
  9. I think 2 of 3 in Houston and a 4 game split at home.
  10. I am not great at coming up with players from recent years as my focus is, like you, more on the Orioles.
  11. Yeah, I guess it sort of is cheating. I always peruse bbref anyway when something piques my curiosity. But I won't actively research a player to see if he can help me with the grid. At least that's what I tell myself. LOL!
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