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Everything posted by CynBeth

  1. Thanks so much for sharing the article and all you have done for our country and O’s fans!
  2. OMG another great pitching performance! I can’t believe we won the series.
  3. Hope that bad reversal of the call and now the double is not the shift in momentum their way.
  4. I thought he got his hand in before the tag. The cheaters get the call in their favor.
  5. Feel so bad for Bradish wish they had given him a chance for the 9th.
  6. I feel so bad for Bradish he is pitching so well and deserves to win but our abysmal hitting is not getting any runs for him.
  7. He deserves it but will probably get screwed with the manager of one of the big playoff teams winning it.
  8. Yes I had that bad feeling as well. Now of course they will score.
  9. Unfortunately have a bad feeling we are on another bad losing streak.
  10. I don’t see things getting any better. I was hoping with getting the e-mail about renewing our Birdland Membership this might be a lucky day.
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