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Everything posted by slakattack

  1. I'm actually looking for some Johnny Means veteranosity to make an impact...I'm not sold on Dr. Jeykle/Mr. Gibson and Jack Flats is a lost cause
  2. I was - Kremer is the third pitcher in a row to not have quality start, he already has 4 ER
  3. Good times / bad times. In April '92 my 2nd son on the way (June), OPACY was brand new, tix were hard to come by and I was broke most of the time. Then on the way to work in late April I was run into a Jersey wall on I95 by a semi and my car (which had 4 payments left) was demolished and I was nearly killed, but somehow escaped with minor injuries (it was a '87 Hyundai Excel). I was so bummed and depressed. A few days later, my brother in law got us 2 tix to the game on Fri. night. They weren't great seats - down the right field line, upper deck, but I got to watch the Birds completely destroy the Randy Johnson and the M's for my first OPACY game. It was such a great beat-down that even Billy hit a HR...I could see on the big screen Cal in the dugout pretending to feint in disbelief (he hit one too that game if IIRC).
  4. Got my tix back in July for the 9/15 game. I think that series is going to be the playoffs before the playoffs.
  5. Also, too many anxious ABs today vs. Cy Blach throwing to a 24” strike zone.
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