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Everything posted by Natty

  1. Put him on DL for psychological reasons. Can't hit. It's psychological...That can be loosely considered physical right? Your head is part of your physical anatomy...
  2. Are you saying that besides a fully guaranteed money contract, Davis cant be sent to the minors for rehab assignment?
  3. The solution is simple. We have to send Davis to the minors. Maybe he can get his swing back down there. If he can't even hit minor league pitching, then we re-evaluate this clusterfark.
  4. Serious question...Do Buck and Davis see the same head shrinker? Does the team Doc have them both on the same anti-depressant, or other psychological pharmaceutical?
  5. I'm blaming his head shrinker for putting Davis on pharmaceutical drugs that make it very difficult to hit. Change his meds...
  6. We should send Davis to the minors. Maybe it will help him hit.
  7. Do players ever have a career best year when they are up for a new contract...then never play that good again?
  8. Last year on this date Manny was batting .231. This year he is batting .342. What happened?
  9. And our highest paid sluggers never seem to play that good again after they sign big contracts. Is ownership sore about all that wasted money?
  10. So Manny won't sign with us because he doesn't want to play with a lousy team. He wants to play on a playoff team. So the only thing to do is for the Orioles to desperately grasp for straws, and trade Manny for anything we can get?
  11. Well there is that. Lol.
  12. Cano broke his hand a couple days ago, so he wasn't going to play for a while anyhow. It's not a punishment or suspension at all...MLB is what it is.
  13. If Davis takes PEDs they sure ain't working.
  14. If Orioles ownership wasn't so monetarily tight (compared to other teams) we could offer Manny 30M a year and still have a 60M lower payroll than Boston. 60M extra gets outstanding pitchers for us. If you cant spend the money other teams do well look where we are now.
  15. What kind of future does a team have when they finally get a draft pick that looks like he might have an all time great career...So they dump him?
  16. Would Manny sign with us for 300M? Has anyone asked him or his agent?
  17. Natty

    Joey Rickard

    Previously throughout Rickard's ML career, he has shown that he can hit lefties for .300. He just doesn't hit right handers good. Yesterday he got 2 hits including a homer off right handers.
  18. Prospects are a dime a dozen. Most of ours dont pan out. Look at Santander. Last year everyone had such high hopes for him. But I agree Manny will not sign with us. Even if we offer 300M. He wants to play with a playoff team.
  19. What good is trading Manny for some prospects? I don't get it...
  20. How can you edit a post on here? I don't see it. I sent a message to Admin OH 4 days ago and no answer .  Cant send any messages it says my in box is full. I have 1 message message in my inbox. WTF?

    1. weams


      You become a plus member. Don't know about your box. I'll take a look. I never received a note fro, you.


  21. Natty

    Joey Rickard

    No just a fan who gives Buck free advice. We gave Santander over 100 at bats. He's batting .198 and not a good outfielder. I feel a change on the wind...
  22. Natty

    Joey Rickard

    Rickard 3 for 5 today. 2 home runs, 5 RBI's. Great outfielder. Play him, let's see what he can do. We've seen what Santander can do.
  23. Natty

    Joey Rickard

    Maybe they'll just bring Rickard up every time we face a lefty starter...
  24. Natty

    Joey Rickard

    Rickard hits lefties good. Bring it Joey...
  25. So I couldn't help but notice, Jace Peterson has been on our team for three games. The last 2 games he has stolen 3rd base against the shift where everyone is on the right side of the field with no one close to covering 3rd base. He ran on the pitcher both times. Has anyone else done this? I cant recall that happening. Is this guy really smart, and all our other players like stupid at baserunning? Did our coaches not ever notice that you can steal 3rd against the shift. Whats up?
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