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Everything posted by Natty

  1. Well it's been 1 game since Manny left. Beckham at SS cost us the game.
  2. Natty

    Joey Rickard

    Well, yea. Has our sorry/pitiful defense cost us any games?
  3. Natty

    Joey Rickard

    Rickard is the best outfielder we have now by far. Like maybe one day our management will notice that fielding is important... Duh.
  4. Natty

    Joey Rickard

    Rickard beats Davis at slugging pct. And he ain't even a slugger. Faster, better fielder, higher batting avg. Rickard has more HR/AB than Davis or Trumbo. And he's 200M cheaper. Maybe management will do themath one day... Duh.
  5. Great to see Trumbo find his HR swing. But lets be perspective, take a guess who has a higher HR/AB ratio? Trumbo or Joey Rickard. Lol.
  6. Defense is not important to this team until very late in the game.
  7. Correction to above. The Orioles drafted Hader in 2012. Not 2014. Now he pitches for the Milwaukee Brewers. Maybe the best reliever in the majors. Already has an all time Major League record... "On April 30, 2018, Hader became the first pitcher ever to record 8 strikeouts in an outing that was less than 3 innings long. He recorded a 2.2-inning save against the Cincinnati Reds where he faced 9 batters with 8 strikeouts and 1 walk."
  8. Josh Hader. Orioles drafted him in 2014. Maryland boy. We traded him in a trade for Bud Norris. Now Hader is 24. Games 28, ERA 1.30, IP 41.2, K's 81, Sv 7, One of the best relievers in mlb.
  9. Is Davis chewing tobacco again? Looks like it.
  10. Wilkersons diving/flying play on that grounder was spectacular. Caleb's play plate on the Rasmus throw, jumping to get the throw and making the tag was also an excellent play.
  11. Natty

    Joey Rickard

    Rickard, with his 5th homerun last night, now has more homers than Trumbo or Davis with way less at bats than either of them. And we have $200 million wrapped up in them because they use to be sluggers. Rickard makes minimum wage. Just sayin'.
  12. Based on the report... could be anything from laxity (looseness of the muscle) to a complete dislocation of the joint (torn rotator).
  13. "Is Chris Davis turning in the worst season in MLB history?" Lowest batting avg ever for a qualifier Rob Deer .179 in 1991. Chis Davis .152 in 2018. So the answer to the question is YES.
  14. Alvarez is better than Davis at nearly every offensive category.
  15. Bench him. We have several others who can play first base...Maybe It's demoralizing the entire team watching Davis stink it up at an all time record pace of not hitting. Let's see if we get better after Davis sits out 30 days.
  16. Put him on DL for psychological reasons. Can't hit. It's psychological...That can be loosely considered physical right? Your head is part of your physical anatomy...
  17. Are you saying that besides a fully guaranteed money contract, Davis cant be sent to the minors for rehab assignment?
  18. The solution is simple. We have to send Davis to the minors. Maybe he can get his swing back down there. If he can't even hit minor league pitching, then we re-evaluate this clusterfark.
  19. Serious question...Do Buck and Davis see the same head shrinker? Does the team Doc have them both on the same anti-depressant, or other psychological pharmaceutical?
  20. I'm blaming his head shrinker for putting Davis on pharmaceutical drugs that make it very difficult to hit. Change his meds...
  21. We should send Davis to the minors. Maybe it will help him hit.
  22. Do players ever have a career best year when they are up for a new contract...then never play that good again?
  23. Last year on this date Manny was batting .231. This year he is batting .342. What happened?
  24. And our highest paid sluggers never seem to play that good again after they sign big contracts. Is ownership sore about all that wasted money?
  25. So Manny won't sign with us because he doesn't want to play with a lousy team. He wants to play on a playoff team. So the only thing to do is for the Orioles to desperately grasp for straws, and trade Manny for anything we can get?
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