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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. How about this classic thread: http://forum.orioleshangout.com/forums/showthread.php/120355-Pick-a-nickname-for-Dylan-Bundy
  2. Hard to argue with what is working.
  3. The Sun mentioned Iron man, back when he was signed, obviously that wouldnt sit well with the fans, if they used that here:
  4. BBREF has this for Kim: Hyun Soo Kim (Hitting Machine or Iron Man)
  5. At least, its coming out of their hands.
  6. I agree. Hell, if he far from perfect, and he doesn't walk on water. I believe Andy deserves a ton of credit for what he did, and DD deserves a ton of credit for his impact on this team. Bottom line, they are playing winning baseball and lets thank the baseball gods for sure.
  7. Even the down years of 2013 and 2015, was nowhere near as sorry as during the 14 years of being extremely bad.
  8. Heck, I will take smoke and mirrors all day long, if it beats losing, I hate to lose. Game threads are different and can really be emotional there.
  9. Amazing 11 games over .500 and reading some of the posts today, you think this team was in shambles.
  10. Some would have said that about Bundy, and so far, its working for Dyan and the Orioles.
  11. Thanks, i messed up my math equation.
  12. The Birds are stacking up well in their division: 5-5 Blue Jays 6-4 Red Sox 4-2 Stankees 3-2 Rays 18-13 and 5 games over .500 with a .722
  13. Why, its freakin 2017, and a long way out. Enjoy 2016, first.
  14. The very best thing about winning, is, it sends most of the kool-aid drinkers underground for a bit.
  15. Maybe still a chance we still him, during Sept callups in 2017. I would not rule that out, yet.
  16. Only thing that could make this better, would be the Stankees in last place.
  17. DD was talking up the guy, sounds like he might be something. Then again, DD does like to talk up alot of players.
  18. 1978, I was moved to nights, and the Orioles happened to be on the West Coast and I picked them up on the ole AM band and I was hooked. I grew up a Senators fan and was avoided baseball after my team left DC. So why was I a Senators fan? For some reason, my dad wasn't from here, become a Senators fan, and thats what I became. our neighborhood was probably 30-70 split, senators vs Orioles, and at the time, probably 70-30 split, Redskins vs Colts.
  19. You mention Bobby Knight and chair throwing, IMO, he is another clown, no excuse for that. One thing to kick dirt on a umpire's shoes, that doesn't but people at risk of getting hurt. Manny was wrong, and I suspect you wont see a repeat of that behavior.
  20. Good point, the man is still a buffoon with anger issues and I have no respect for the big baby.
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