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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. I dont look for a hard cap, I do look for them to be very protective of how they use him and will follow a similar road to how they handled Bundy. IMO
  2. Also being drafted out of high school, he hasnt even thrown innings at the college level, which isn't always a bad thing, just makes him a bit younger, baseball wise.
  3. He is still very young, and I am sure, that nerves was there. I love the makeup and poise of this kid, and expect big things from him. My bet within the next 5 years, he will have the Orioles next no-hitter.
  4. I am not a huge sabematic fan, but I understand their part in the game, and Kudos for a good post, just one instrument in a tool box, is spot on.
  5. But, wait, what about his TTP?
  6. Friers isn't exactly a top 10 FA SP, either. MLBTR says that no other team tendered him a deal, so thats why he signed with the Tigers.
  7. Vote him in the HOF, based on his on the field career, heck yeah. But, no a patch in his honor, IMO and I am totally with CoC on this point.
  8. The nice thing about the wildcard slot. Once you get into the playoffs, the w-l records are all reset, and wildcard can and do win the WS Trophy.
  9. Im not ruling it out, but it makes sense, since he was willing to accept a bounce-back deal, and a few teams has kicked the tires, and nobody has inked him.
  10. Tony OH thinks Tilly is done for and thats why he hasn't signed anywhere.
  11. So Britton to the 60 day DL, to make room on the 40 man. Just rosterbation as BobMC puts it. So does Cashner have to shave his beard to fall in line with Oriole's facial hair policy?
  12. so many people talking about Cashner, its been hard to follow.
  13. Cortes has very good K/9 numbers, and thats why i am encouraged that he might be able to stick as a #5 guy. Can't be much worse than Miley last season?
  14. His name is Cortes and he is already here.
  15. I think pitching values across MLB has these guys getting more than what some thought the market was.
  16. Too many doom and gloomers sitting around drinking the kool-aid.
  17. Fair enough, and I think you are probably spot on. Weams has said before, they always leave a cushion so that if the right guy comes along they can pick him up.
  18. Miley had darn good stuff, trouble is, he didn't trust his stuff and tried to nibble too much and end up walking guys. Remember that first game back after Scotty M had a talking to with, he came out and had 11 Ks.
  19. Trades are well enough, if you are going after a true TOR. But, just to trade and get an arm, create holes in your own lineup.
  20. So hopefully, if 140m is the readjusted market price, we still have room. Disclaimer, this is my own gut on payroll, of course the team has not publically said what they are willing to spend. But, I don't see it being as high as its been.
  21. Its called selective sabermatric to help make your argument.
  22. So MLBTR slots him as the 5th best FA SP in the market. Yet, you the amateur fan, knows more than they do?
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