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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. That should answer Weam's question, yes, the man should be able to play SS. Thanks
  2. He has 4 big league games under his belt at SS, not too sure about what he did in the minors.
  3. Ryan was better when he played regularly like when Manny or Hardy went on the DL. As for playing AL East, I thought my memory was, he hit Boston pretty well.
  4. neither is .082 Batting average, but I would rather have the .444 even for short time.
  5. Good for him. I would take him back in a new york minute, Sardinas's play in the field has me wondering how he made the team.
  6. He is a lefty and breathing. Another team will take a flyer on him. I dont think he is done for, just not ready yet.
  7. PED Suspensions coming. (Just dont hold your breath )
  8. The kid has talent, and TJ aside, with the lack of innings at AA or above. I have a hard time evening considering him for a SP slot this season, and I am a huge Harvey fan and have been since day 1.
  9. I agree and typical OH fashion, we are lined up at all sides, discussing the merits of the activity, for the sake of discussions. None of us really know the background. This reminds me a bit of being a parent and trying to talk to one of my at the time teenagers and explain my point, but they just laugh and whatever Dad.
  10. https://www.minorleagueball.com/2018/1/26/16938286/baltimore-orioles-top-20-prospects-for-2018 Hunter is rated a B- and best pitcher suspect by this one publication. Hays and Mountcastle are rated B+ and Sisco is a B. I think the bold spells it out the best, he lost development time, so it dropped his ratings a bit. But to heck with ratings, the eye test, sure looks promising.
  11. I thought the team was nuts when they was talking about his making the roster or coming up early June. But, maybe, I was wrong!
  12. yesterday: Hopefully, it had movement on it too!!!
  13. He would have never got past the Oriole Doctors.
  14. Nice when my memory actually works for a change.
  15. There is always speculation about this team on a wide variety of topics.
  16. Didnt he get hurt walking in his apartment parking lot and land on the DL? I remember he treated his Ironbird teammates to a lobster pre-game meal as he was up there on rehab.
  17. There is no way, 2 months of pitching in the minors, makes him ready for the big leagues, this season.
  18. Harvey on the 25 man roster makes ZERO sense. I am about the biggest Harvey fan on this board and have been since day 1, when they selected him. But, a little common sense here, seriously.
  19. Sounds he pretty much speaks the truth.
  20. You have to learn the basics of pro pitching at the minor league level. Even Mussina as good as he was, spent time in the minors.
  21. Dont forgot who Hunter has for a father. I suspect Daddy is somebody that Hunter relies on.
  22. I think Harvey runs out of innings and will see him in ST, next season, is my gut feeling.
  23. I am not ready to concede that singing Bundy to a ML contract was a mistake. That might have been the only way to get the guy to sign on the dotted line, and he was a highly sought commodity at the time.
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