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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Maybe they are not cutting payroll, and this is just a market adjustment for them, as they ramped up to try and make a playoff run last season. Maybe, they have something left to spend, in anticipate of Manny or Schoop or both? Maybe the payroll will be back in the 140m range after they pick up pitchers. too many what ifs right now.
  2. Its a sickness. Last month I lost my nephew to his battle with opiates. Thankfully, he didn't take anybody else with him, because of his bad choices. But, they did find him in the car, parked in a parking lot, and all the evidence that he had recently shot up. As with any addition, porn, alcohol, pain meds, sleeping pills/wake me up pills, etc. You have to admit you have hit rock bottom and you have to have the desire to turn your life around. No rehab in the world is going to help, unless you truly want help. Until then rehab, is just something to keep you out of jail and as soon as you are back in the free, you are back to your normal activities.
  3. Boras is a problem here, but ownership was willing to spend the money. Can't fault the player for trying to get as much as he can.
  4. Then you would complain about his being overly aggressive like AJ!
  5. No, but other comments made in this thread, sounded like a knock
  6. No reason to knock Buck here, I think just about every other MLB team would do the same thing, given the same type of situation.
  7. Jeter is clueless. http://www.12up.com/posts/5964803-this-update-on-fired-marlins-executives-proves-derek-jeter-is-an-idiot
  8. Nothing like the slow off-season with no real news happening to discuss.
  9. I am very glad you are not the GM for this team, I would be very scared to see the results. How the heck did you survive in this town, back in the Syd Thrift end of his era?
  10. I have to eat crow, I never thought this owner and management would ever get the job done. I was wrong.
  11. I thought that was Drungo's theory of batting order placement and who bats before and after you, doesnt change how the hitter actually performs?
  12. Sometimes we worry too much about all the extra metrics, exit velocity, bat speed, TTP, Home run trot, etc. Enjoy the team being in first, and I suspect soon, both Trumbo and Davis will be sending balls out of the park.
  13. we got to whine and complain about something. Adam is walking more and striking out less, so we can't get on that bandwagon. The team is far from perfect and not hitting (no pun intended) on all cylinders yet. Regardless, the team does have the best record in the AL, and is in First in the AL East.
  14. I am sure, Roy Firestone could tell us some stories about Boog!
  15. The Orioles also wasn't in 1st place in a playoff race, either, they didn't have anything to lose.
  16. Great Hope! Since the future of the franchise is riding on his arm.
  17. BBref doesn't show one for any of those guys, as long as they have been playing, that generally means, there isn't one known.
  18. True, they had a good month, but they still ranked pretty low. Miggy has thrown some good games, he has thrown some real clunkers in June.
  19. Weak hitting Minnesota Twins team too.
  20. Dr Andrews is world renowned as one of the best at this, and I suspect has a higher than 80% return to prior level of functioning.
  21. <iframe src="http://mlb.mlb.com/shared/video/embed/embed.html?content_id=954836183&width=400&height=224&property=mlb" frameborder="0" height="224" width="400">Your browser does not support iframes.</iframe>
  22. Those Ellis stats folks, keeping track of everything. I wonder if they counted how many times Buck left the dugout for the clubhouse, last night.
  23. The same could be said of the Orioles bad in the 14 year bad spell, at times, they had some elements of a good team.
  24. As with Hardy, the normal power is gone, but every once in awhile, he can still get a hold of a pitch and drive it deep.
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