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HowAboutThat last won the day on November 20 2021

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  • Location
    Where it gets cold by November and warms up by March
  • Occupation
    Working as little as possible
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Hmmm Probably John Means
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Honestly, Nate Mclouth or Ryan Flaherty

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Hangout Grand Counsel (14/14)

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  1. Shame to lose Vinnie Nittoli. He only threw four innings but he was good enough to get more. Why not option Baker?
  2. Hyde is objectively bad. He makes bad decisions. I never watch the postgame because no one presses him. Anyone who asks pointed questions would likely be thrown out, so they soft-toss him. But why bring in Kimbrel after 28 pitches in a bad inning last night? I don’t know what explanation he gave, but there really isn’t one. It was just stupid.
  3. I tried to delete all the pertinent comments, but I’m not sure I got them. If you’re a mod, please delete them, I did not mean to go overboard.
  4. He made his comment publicly. That’s not on any forum. And it is foolish to take offense where none is intended. It’s like being offended when your friend tells you he’s a Democrat and you’re a Republican. But again, I’m happy to discuss this privately if you feel there’s reason to, but would much prefer to focus on baseball.
  5. I think you are conflating expressing a belief with being antagonistic. I’m a Christian. I think everybody should be a Christian because that’s the nature of Christianity, but if you’re not, I don’t care. If you’re an atheist, you don’t believe what I believe and that’s fine. I’m not going to be offended if you tell me you don’t believe, and it is ridiculous to tell me I can’t express my belief because I might offend people. I’ve never said anything offensive, unless you think this comment is itself offensive, and I have no interest in senseless argument, because that never solves anything. Your example doesn’t have anything to do with what we are discussing. Austin made a public statement about what he believe and that’s fine. He wasn’t looking for argument and it’s ridiculous to assume that he was. I’m happy to discuss this privately if you wish, but, I really don’t want to continue it here. I would much rather talk about baseball.
  6. I don’t know whether that is a particular meme or not, but there’s certainly nothing wrong with the verse.
  7. I don’t know the content of the comment, but no he is not, sheesh. Expressing a Christian belief in any forum is entirely acceptable and non controversial. I had some quite good friends who were non-believers and I always said good night with “god bless you”. They always replied “thank you,” and it took me a while before I realized they were non-believers. But they responded with gratitude, even though they did not respond with belief, and they weren’t offended, nor should they have been. I was grateful for that example, and I learned from it. Unless Austin said something inflammatory, which I highly doubt, he didn’t say anything to be offended by.
  8. I am perpetually amazed that people are not allowed to acknowledge the things that shape who they are. God bless Austin for doing so, and God bless those who respect that.
  9. “A while.” say it like the girl in Family Guy
  10. Maybe Pache is only til Mateo returns? I can’t imagine acquiring this guy as a late inning defensive replacement, instead of getting somebody better and then letting Mullins be the late inning defensive replacement. As much as I love Caleb Joseph, I sure didn’t want him getting any late at bats in a close game.
  11. Godspeed, Austin. Enjoy the cheesesteaks! Be Good, Ma Non Troppo!
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