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  1. Sure. And if they do, they can have him.
  2. Game I was at was on June 30, v Toronto. 6 hits, no BBs, only 2 Ks in the game...
  3. I went to one of Fernando's starts, I guess it was in 93 (I was thinking he was w/ the team in 94 but I guess not). Anyway, it was probably during the July stretch that Moose mentioned above. He loaded the bases w/ nobody out in the top of the first inning, then proceeded to get out of that jam w/ no damage, and went on to pitch a complete game shutout. Fun game.
  4. If the Sox want to get rid of payroll, it won't take three players - any three players - to do it, let alone a top 7 org prospect (or whatever Bradfield is currently). Offer them a non-pitching lottery ticket and offer to take on the contract. Why give up anything else of value?
  5. I think Soto is more likely to get that $8M than you guys are indicating. Elias traded two relatively valuable pitching prospects - of which he has only a few, as has been well documented - and he knew how much the option was when he agreed to do that. I think he made that trade knowing he'd have Soto for another year. And nothing about the way Soto finished up the season would indicate that he'd be likely to change his mind.
  6. The delay to Friday is weird to me. I guess it was necessary in case either series went 7, but that still should have pushed to Thursday at latest not Friday (NL game 7 would have been today, AL tomorrow). I might quite literally forget there’s a game by the time Friday rolls around, and it will be several days off for both teams.
  7. Not sure why so much negativity about the article. He basically said he’s old so if he wants to see his team win it all, he’s going to have to amp up the effort to do so. To me that sounds like throwing money out there to spend on payroll. Now, does he have to show us rather than just saying it? Of course. But a quote like that is a helluva lot better than anything Angelos ever said on the topic. I for one appreciate the seeming sense of urgency. That being said We also need to keep in mind that this offseason isn’t going to be the last offseason ever. Just because there’s no huge contract (if that’s how it turns out) or extension doesn’t mean that there never will be.
  8. The options make this a non-decision. We’ve seen in these playoffs how having a few guys who can open games, pitch a couple innings in the middle of the game, or come into the hottest spot and shut things down, can be incredibly valuable. Wells seems like a perfect guy for that sort of thing and they should groom him for a role like that, rather than as a full fledged starter. Creativity with the pitching staff is needed. Having someone like Wells as an opener against a RH heavy top of a lineup, ahead of a Povich or Roger’s start for example, would be the type of thing I’d like to see more of. Basically the Tigers plan, but with a few more reliable starters (ie, not trying to pull that off in 4 out of 5 games).
  9. There’s no way I’d go into 2025 with Mayo as the primary first baseman. If this was a couple years ago, sure roll with the kid. But the dude showed absolutely nothing at the plate in the majors. Like not even enough to bat ninth and just take his lumps for a little bit. Not saying that’s who he’ll always be, and I know SSS, but you can’t go into the year with a black hole there and expect to contend. Keep Mounty and O’Hearn, and make Mayo earn it. If and when he dies, great prob Allen to have. And if he doesn’t, we’ll at least you’ve got first base covered. The April games matter as much as the September ones. If we learned nothing else in 2024, we certainly learned that. I don’t trust Mayo one bit after the flailing I witnessed in September.
  10. I suppose I MIGHT tune into a WS inning or two, just to say a final goodbye to baseball for the winter. By New Years I might be wishing I could watch Dodgers-Yanks or anybody else! Certainly won't be appointment viewing though, like it might otherwise have been w/ a more preferable match up.
  11. I don't know man. But its sports and I hate the Yankees with the fire of a thousand suns, and this is a message board to voice that, so here I am.....
  12. Yeah I'm out on the playoffs officially now. I don't know what would be more nauseating - Subway Series, or Shohei-Judge series. The collective fellatio from Fox and MLBN will be too much to bear either way. And I don't think the Guardians have a chance in hell of knocking out the Yanks.
  13. That's Soto's first nomination ever. Tell me again how there's no Yankee bias in crap like this. He goes to the Yanks, plays ever-worsening defense, and gets a GG nomination. Laughable. This is irritating me way more than it should, LOL.
  14. Thanks for this detail. That's kind of a lame rule.
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