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Everything posted by mddisney

  1. IMO, he is coming back and i bet he come back for the last week of the season for in game tests. I would really like to see what the fastball velocity is in the BP session.
  2. In support of this was Gunnar being, imo, too passive to start the season. When he got aggressive slugging went up but he took more walks and had more strike out. I suspect he will adjust and the K's will go down, and you will be correct, Frobby. I think Gunnar has another level to unlock.
  3. Gunnar significantly better than Adley... imo
  4. I would make that trade for any of 1-3 individually
  5. Gunnar is the heart and soul of this team!
  6. do you try and get 110 pitches out of bradish or not? I would so 1 more innings perhaps 2
  7. doesn't seem to want to throw that 96 mph FB to get an out, went off speed exclusively, save that one high FB
  8. does he go to the DL for greyson?
  9. He should be down right elated that the O’s took him. They have a Track record of fixing the things he apparently needs fixing and is a team on the rise.
  10. he is with us what on monday? i think his return is very very soon!
  11. Yes and that should have happened a few months ago. He should be in the bullpen now. if he is lights out, he can go back to starter like we have seen with Wells. He could stabilize us and we need that now.
  12. it would be very interesting to put a roster together with this group, which sans holiday, will be likely up next year. I think hays or mullins are going to have to be traded and perhaps mountcastle.
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