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Everything posted by johnrambo

  1. For corner OF and 1B players I go with the power potential.
  2. Sounds crazy, but he might actually be. It's between Tony, Hays and Adley right now for title of best hitter on the team. Cedric and Gunnar not too far behind. I think Gunnar and Adley are the biggest talents on the team right now as far pure hitting goes. They don't have the experience that Hays and Tony have though and it shows. They say it takes 1500 big league ABs for a player to reach his peak. And that's about where Tony and Hays were right at the start of this season. Not a coincidence that they are having career years. Seems like Tony and Hays have turned it up to another notch through sheer repetition and ABs.
  3. What if the more "talented" players are worse players right now? Santandar doesn't have extreme talent. He's just an experienced veteran who is in his prime. Kjerstad has way more "talent" than Tony, but gun to my head Santandar is a better player right now.
  4. I learn towards the pro veteran groups because we are a 95 win team. If we were a 65 win team I'd be decidedly in the play the kids camp. See what they can do because it's a lost season anyways. I'm not anti prospect, but I'm very short leash. Play them for a few weeks and if they hold their own continue to play them. But if they struggle send them down. If you can play, then put em in.
  5. Big fan of this guy. Already 24 and very well-seasoned in the minors. He had over 700 ABs in Norfolk and it shows. He's a more experienced player than the typical rookie. I see him as a possible long-term solution to 2B. Don't think he has an MLB SS type glove. Doesn't need it. The kid has some quick feet and athleticism too. Seems to be a better fit at 2B than 3B. Just let him play. He doesn't look overmatched. He's not tearing the cover off the ball, but does not look overmatched at all. He's holding his own. Big fan of Frazier myself, but Westburg is the guy moving forward. Frazier gives great ABs, but see Frazier's value as a big time clutch hitter you plug in for big ABs. Especially in the playoffs.
  6. Pretty much. We are in a pennant race. We have some decent quality veterans who are never going to be stars or anything more than average MLB players. Frazier being the most prominent example. We then bring up the kids from AA and AAA. Those kids then proceed to play worse than guys like Frazier. Then the pro Frazier crowd feels vindicated. Meanwhile the pro prospect groups comes up with an endless amount of excuses and pulls more explanations out of their ass than we thought was ever possible.
  7. Frazier has the 3rd highest WPA on the team. Clutch hitting matters.
  8. When we're in the ALCS and down by a run and a man on 3rd base less than 2 outs do you want Frazier at the plate or not? You bet your ass you want him at the plate.
  9. There was only room for 1 Ortiz/Westburg on the roster. Gunnar plays everyday. Urias and Frazier pretty much combine to lockdown another spot in the infield too. That leaves Ortiz/Westburg in direct competition for a spot on the diamond. One of these guys is going to win the job. That's just a reality of baseball.
  10. This. Also, Westburg has flat out wrestled the job from Ortiz. I don't like the idea of pitting these guys against each other, but there's only so many roster sports available. Ortiz didn't get many ABs, but neither has Westburg so far. Problem for Ortiz is Westburg is outplaying him.
  11. Cowser was never projected to be a plus defender. Scouts never considered him a CF type of a guy at any point. And they were never high on his power either. So you're basically banking on entirely on his hit tool. Cowser's value will be his bat to contact skills. If this kid doesn't start hitting then he's an even bigger liability than Mateo. At least Mateo can play a MLB SS. Cowser has to hit or he's bust.
  12. Are you functionally illiterate? I said "we will see if it continues". Thus implying that the jury is still out on Cowser.
  13. Other than his batting eye he looks absolutely terrible. Like a completely overmatched player. We will see if it continues. Hope not, but drafting is not an exact science. Busts are inevitable. Somebody has to be the guy who busts. It is what it is.
  14. I never said these guys were going to come up and bust (though some obviously will). I'm saying I don't see too many impact prospects in our system right now. Like Adley or Gunnar.
  15. Holliday is the hope of the farm right now. We are loaded with a ton of good prospects. Which is a good problem to have. But Holliday is our only true blue chipper right now. He's looking like our best bet for a possible impact player. The same way that Adley and Gunnar had impact player written all over them. Maybe Bradfield can get there too if he can somehow find a way to be a decent hitter. But for right now, looks like Holliday is the hope. The other guys seem to come up and it's meh.
  16. Nope. Flat belly, full head of hair and ready when she is. Cant go as many rounds as I used to, but that's about the only difference so far.
  17. How the hell does a 23 year old completely run out of gas like that with a low pitch count? When I was 23 I could go all day and night long. In more ways than one. Now I'm in my 30s and I've got more stamina than this kid. Pathetic.
  18. Actually yea. Have quite a few tatted up, chain wearing losers in my family. Type of guys to listen to Nu Metal and hang outside the Royal Farms with a Monster in the middle of the day cuz they dont have a job.
  19. Vespi looks like a total douche. Mullet, tatted, chain. The works.
  20. What prospects have contributed to winning this season?
  21. Many prospects dont have an adjustment period. They just bust.
  22. Cowser, Rodriguez, Ortiz, Stowers development is more important to some Orioles fans than winning the goddamn pennant.
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