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Beef Supreme

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Beef Supreme last won the day on July 13 2020

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About Beef Supreme

  • Birthday 07/30/1980

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  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Mancini, Santander, Hays, Harvey
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  1. Mountcastle has never played OF before and now has all of 40 games experience. There is no reason to doom him to be a horrible outfielder. Let him play some more and see if he improves. Only then can we pass judgment on his defense.
  2. But Stewart is exactly as bad as I think. Do you understand what i mean when i say he can not judge fly balls. Did you see him hurt himself on a foul fly that every outfielder who has ever played the game has the spatial knowledge to realize the ball will be landing 50 feet out of play? And it's just ridiculous to think that Mountcastle should be judged an abject failure after 40 games in the outfield. If he can play mediocre defense in LF, he could be a frequent all-star with his bat. If you want to position these two to prevent more runs, put Stewart at 1B.
  3. All things being equal otherwise, the batter with the higher BA will help the team score more runs overall.
  4. Why does speed translate for nearly every single MLB outfielder but it can't translate for MC if he gets more reps in the field? I think it is likely his running speed is a good reason to expect improvement from him.
  5. I can't understand the obsession that a lifelong outfielder who trips over his own feet and can NEVER settle under a flyball -- drifting under pop flies indicates the outfielder can not judge trajectory -- is "superior" to an athletic rookie who is newcomer to the position, just now is being thrown out there for his first outfield experience. Stewart's inept defense can not be called "superior" to anything, regardless of what metrics you reference; he is objectively and subjectively awful and will only get worse as he ages despite having played on the grass for his entire life.
  6. Nolan had a strong arm. Yet he was wild with his throws.
  7. The strike call against Mullins in his last at bat was far worse.
  8. I still think Mountcastle could battle Left Filed to a draw with more experience.
  9. You are right: the post about Stewart's options should have been posted a half hour ago when he injured himself running into a 15 foot high wall on a ball that was foul by 15 rows.
  10. Yeah, he changed his swing last year and became more pull happy.
  11. To LA2: it's a "wishful thinking" prediction. Sorry to confuse people...
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