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  1. I also wouldn't trade Westburg.
  2. As of this post it's an exact tie with over 100 votes. Credit to OP for coming up with a reasonable trade proposal worthy of debate and discussion.
  3. Because he's already there. Anyway, if Manfra is there why shouldn't these two be there?
  4. There is not a single pitcher who doesn’t carry injury risk.
  5. Probably although Vespi is running out of times he can be sent down.
  6. I wasn't making that point, OsFanFromThe80s was.
  7. That’s why I said “aside from Seattle”. And your data showed Oakland to be more pitcher friendly than Camden. Congratulations.
  8. The bullpen is shot. Thats why he was left in.
  9. The most pitcher friendly, aside from Seattle, is 96, so yes, Oakland is more pitcher friendly than Camden. You could also just use your brain instead of just regurgitating stats and actually compare the dimensions of each park.
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