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Tx Oriole

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Posts posted by Tx Oriole

  1. 42 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Let’s start with this: I don’t want to hear about scenarios that are “rosy” because we end up with the no. 1 draft pick.   I’m only talking about scenarios where we win more games than expected.   What could that look like?

    - Mountcastle’s debut is like Trey Mancini’s rookie year.

    - Mancini and Alberto hold serve compared to 2020.

    - Hays provides an .800ish OPS and solid defense in CF.

    - Either Richie Martin equals or betters his second half offensive performance, or we find someone who does.     

    - Means holds serve.

    - Cobb stays relatively healthy and pitches decently.

    - Akin is equal to Bundy.   

    - We find someone with a pulse who outperforms Hess/Ynoa/Brooks/Straily

    - Givens and Castro perform closer to career norms pre-2019.

    Honestly, even if most of that happened, I think we’d only win about 65 games.   And obviously, it won’t all happen.



    I think the team will will around 65 games. 

  2. Just now, 7Mo said:

    When you say "cut payroll", that sounds like something different than an overall plan to rebuild the organization.

    Elias and Mejdal came in with a plan and a part of that is trading MLB assets that are not long term fits. 

    To me, that's far different than cutting payroll. But yes, payroll is far, far less than it was. But I haven't seen anything that says ownership ordered that. 

    I mistakingly thought any cut in payroll came at the direction of owenship.  

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  3. 7 hours ago, wildcard said:

    Which could be a attractive feature for the O's.

    Caleb will turn 34 on June 18th.   He has been catching major league pitchers for years.  He has major league experience.  Two of his options were used in 2018 and 2019.  He was optioned in 2017 but was not in the minors for 20 days so that one does not count.   

    The near future of the O's rotation  will be in Norfolk this year with 6 of the O's starter prospects that could be promoted to the majors by years end.  Having Caleb be there to mentor them could be a good player development move.   And with Caleb able be go up and down to majors as often as the O's desire that could help the O's roster flexibility in case of injury or non performance of Sisco and Severino.

    His salary will not be that high as he would probably be on split salary contract.  A high salary for a minor leaguer when he is Norfolk and a low salary for a major leaguer when in the majors.   Overall less than 1 million dollars.     Caleb spend about half the year in the majors and half in the minors last season.   A lot depends on what Caleb can command on the open market and whether he thinks he will see some time in the majors with the O's next season is my guess. 

    Last season Caleb earned about half of his 1.2m salary for the time he was in the majors and half his minor league salary for his time in the minors.   Overall maybe 800K.

    Caleb could be a fit for the O's.

    Hope the O’s don’t sign him. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. 37 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Before we traded Villar for Easton, I ran a poll asking if people approved of putting Villar on waivers (which was reported at the time) and/or DFAing him.    58% of the voters said no.   


    Now that we know what actually went down, do you approve of the Villar for Easton trade?    No need to give a narrative response, since this was already discussed exhaustively in other threads.    I just like having these poll threads to look back on after the fact, so please vote.    

    I don’t know Frobby. 

  5. On 11/28/2019 at 8:58 AM, wildcard said:

    We knew from the time Mike Elias was hired that he would follow the Houston model.   That means the team would be torn down and rebuilt.   We knew it would take years.   Living through the losing as an O's fan would be and is hard.   But the World Champion is the focus.

    There are going to be moves along the way that some of us maybe most of us don't agree with.  Moves that hurt the term in the short term.    Some ask  "Why should I spend money to see the team?"   Well maybe you shouldn't if watching a rebuilding is not your thing.

    Elias focus  is building a team for 2022 and beyond.   He may have a core forming.   Hays, Santander and Diaz in the outfield.   Rutschman at catcher.    Mountcastle  1B/DH.  Rodriguez, DL Hall and Means as starters and Harvey in the pen.  Its a beginning.  There are a lot of spots to fill.

    Only one of those players were acquired by Elias.  Rutschman.   He inherited the rest.   So what has Elias done in his first year?   He made major steps toward building as first class player development organization.    Its hard to remember when the O's had so many pitchers having good season in the minors.   He did it by hiring managers and coaches.  The O's never had a position called development coach in my memory.   He made strides in developing  an Analytics Department.   He began to build a international scouting department.     Most of these things will not help the 2020 major league team.  But they will help the O's future and they take money to build.

    So we are probably going to see another season of losing in 2020.   But the O's will have  high draft choices in 2020 and 2021 which will help build the core of players that lead the O's to a World Champions.   There will be spending on players down the line.  Houston didn't win the World Series by not spending money.  Neither will the O's.

    So IMO opinion its fine to disagree with moves.   Its fine to be frustrated with going through the losing.   But Mike Elias is not incompetent and should not be called that.  He is following the plan that he believes will take the O's to a World Championship. And that is not incompetence.


    I dont think it’s all on Elias. I think it’s ownership that’s the main problem. If the sons are like Peter then this organization for loads of trouble. IMO 

  6. 8 hours ago, wildbillhiccup said:

    Ladies and Gentlemen...I present to you...our opening day starting pitcher! ;) 

    Mark Trumbo told Dan Connolly of The Athletic that he would be willing to do some part-time pitching in addition to hitting next season.

    Trumbo also acknowledges that he's unsure whether he'll be offered another job following back-to-back injury-plagued seasons. He wants to start coaching at some point and might consider it now in the right situation. "It’s kind of an in-between spot," Trumbo said. "There’s no other way to put it." Trumbo will turn 34 in January.

    Mr. Trumbo needs to retire and take his teammate CD with him.

  7. 1 hour ago, Redskins Rick said:

    While I will agree with your post that MLB is trying to "tweak" [my word]  the game to make it more engaging. Lord knows, they need to.

    IMO, this doesn't do that much.

    Why can’t they just leave the game alone? It’s been a fun game for over 100 years. When they tweak the game they take chances on messing the game up. IMO 

  8. 12 hours ago, section18 said:

    As the Ravens continue to improve and add key players to their team they appear to be inching towards another Super Bowl run.  They may be the best team in the NFL with only San Francisco, Houston and Seattle close to matching them. 

    Should Elias and Orioles ownership speed their timeline and start adding some pieces that can turn their losing ways around. I'm not talking about expensive free agents but a few easy to sign to one or two year deal players like Mike Moustakas with 35 HR'S who played on another one year contract last year for I believe eleven million dollars. Sign him to a two year deal for twenty four million and add another big bat to the lineup and third baseman who won't embarrass  us in the field.

    Add another starter like Zack Wheeler or Jake Odorizzi to our rotation. Both 29 and RHP.

    Add a middle infielder like Jose Iglesias for SS for probably $3 to 4 million per year and two middle relievers Daniel Hudson and Will Harris and things could improve considerably.

    Orioles fans are so use to losing that some key additions to go with our young players being added in 2020 could see us improve to possibly 70 wins that fans would be supportive of I believe.

    The Ravens are the talk of the town and everyone is on the Lamar bandwagon.  Will he take us to another Super Bowl?

    The Orioles need to keep up and have the money. Will they start to add a few young veterans to their roster and established arms to their pen to start being competitive again?

    Why copy the Ravens? NFL top pick in the draft can help a team right away in MLB in can take several years before they come up. I will try to be patient with the O’s and hope for the best.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 6 hours ago, UpstateNYfan said:

    Very nice indeed, and glad he did it. He certainly didn't have to, but it is a PR move. 3 million on a 150 million deal, plus the tax incentives for the donation ends up costing him considerably less. He could be donating at least 50% of his salary, based on his performance...he'll still live a very comfortable life. It is certainly an indicator that there may be some "guilt" associated with his contract.

    That was a nice thing he did.

  10. On 10/26/2019 at 8:14 AM, Il BuonO said:

    If 2019 was mostly about landing Rutschman and overhauling the organizational structure to suit Elias’s vision, then how about 2020? Well, the club will be picking second in the coming draft and can surely look ahead to another lofty pick in 2021. But now’s also the time for the new front office to make shrewd assessments of its own sub-elite prospects, identify some diamonds in the rough, and perform the kinds of subtle roster tweaks that can make a big difference down the line.


    On 10/26/2019 at 8:14 AM, Il BuonO said:

    If 2019 was mostly about landing Rutschman and overhauling the organizational structure to suit Elias’s vision, then how about 2020? Well, the club will be picking second in the coming draft and can surely look ahead to another lofty pick in 2021. But now’s also the time for the new front office to make shrewd assessments of its own sub-elite prospects, identify some diamonds in the rough, and perform the kinds of subtle roster tweaks that can make a big difference down the line.

    I agree. But can they??

  11. 3 hours ago, OFFNY said:







    George Chelston Springer III - RF

    Jose Altuve - 2B

    Michael Charles Brantley, Jr. - LF

    Alexander Davis "A.D." Bregman - 3B

    Yuliesky Gurriel Castillo - 1B

    Carlos Javier Correa Oppenheimer - SS

    Robinson David Chirinos Gonzalez - C

    Jacob Marsikiak - CF

    Jose Luis Urquidy/Hernandez - RHP )) (2-1, 3.95 ERA) 



    Trea Vance "T.V." Turner - SS

    Adam Corey "A.C." Eaton - RF

    Anthony Rendon - 3B

    Juan Jose Soto Pacheco - LF

    Howard Joseph Kendrick III - 2B

    Ryan Zimmerman - 1B

    Victor Enrique Robles Brito - CF

    Yan Gomes - C

    Patrick Alan Corbin - LHP )) (14-7, 3.25 ERA)





    Astros 4 Nats 0. Hope they keep it up and win the WS. I don’t think they will though. 

  12. On 10/24/2019 at 5:19 PM, Uli2001 said:


    Forget the bat flips, this whole episode, shows that they do not have good people on the field (Osuna) or in the FO (this guy and those initially covering up for him). Perhaps a sweep by the Nationals is an adequate result.

    I’m a fan of the Stros. Do I think they will win. Nope. As for the idiot in the FO well he was fired and that’s good. 

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