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Tx Oriole

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Posts posted by Tx Oriole

  1. 4 hours ago, DirtyBird said:

    Whether he stays or is toast, I don't see how he is holding back the rebuild. He's just filling a spot right now. 

    There is only one player who is holding back the rebuild right now.

    Right. Mr. Davis.

  2. 2 hours ago, Redskins Rick said:

    Veteran managers like Buck have earned their players respect, for the most part.

    Hyde being new to the position is still earning his mojo with his guys.

    I also think Buck would have taken Flores to task behind closed doors, but thats not saying Hyde didn't.

    Buck did say on a few occassions, he understoods players and when they get frustrated 'in the moment', thats not condoning it, just understanding the raw emotion behind it.

    I don’t get it? Seems like Flores is the bad guy to some. But since when is it okay for a player to bad mouth a coach? Davis couldn’t make the play. Flores gets fussed at by the pitcher because he positioned Davis in an area where Davis couldn’t make the play? 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    I don't see Bleier tendered either. He was a nice story a couple of years ago, but that ship has sailed and next year the Orioles should be giving bullpen time to guys who can help consistently. 

    I agree.

  4. 1 hour ago, interloper said:

    I was pretty surprised about Armstrong's reaction. He did not look happy nor did he seem to care one bit about standing up to Flores. It's just a blip in time, so it's hard to say, but it was an interesting reaction. 

    To me a coach is a players boss. If I’d told my boss fu I’d been fired. These players live in a different world than I do I guess. 

  5. 8 hours ago, LookitsPuck said:

    Some real hothead coaches and managers we’ve got here. Gross.

    Hothead coaches? If you were the manager and some punk got in your face and said FU? What would you do? Is it the coaches fault some kid can’t pitch worth a damn? Well if Davis can’t defend his base when a coach positions him in an area. 

  6. 2 hours ago, webbrick2010 said:

    So assuming Chris Davis gets 3 AB's against Scherzer, I figure that is about a 90% chance of 3 strike outs

    So the real challenge is how many pitches will it take?

    Scherzer is a no nonsense sort of pitcher, so I'm thinking 11 pitches to get the hat trick

    What you say??

    I think Davis is done in 9 or 10 pitches.

  7. On 8/26/2019 at 4:56 AM, sportsfan8703 said:

    The lineup I want to see in September(vs RHP)

    1. Villar SS

    2. Mancini 1B

    3. Santander RF

    4. Nunez 3B

    5. Alberto 2B

    6. Stewart LF

    7. Mountcastle DH

    8. Sisco C

    9. Hays CF

    In order to see what Stewart, Mountcastle, and Hays can do, we have to play Nunez at 3rd. Which we might want to take a look at anyway. I think going into next year we know where Wilkerson can play and that he can hit RHP. Same for Peterson. Everyone can get PT, but I want to see what this lineup can do. 

    I go with that. Just hope no Davis. 

  8. 14 hours ago, drjohnnyfeva said:

    I think we all wish he'd retire, that's not really the issue.  But as long as the money tree exists in his backyard that the Angelosii planted, why shouldn't he continue to harvest from it?  If he can stomach being terrible and not living up to the expectation of the contract he was given, who are we to question him?

    You can make whatever arguments you'd like about him being shameless as I and others have on the thousand threads running here... but he doesn't seem to be in any hurry to admit he's terrible and move-on on his own... And nor should he feel obligated to.  It was the Angelosii that said, "Here, take this money to stay an Oriole, Chris."  ...and when there were exactly NO other suitors.

    He's merely saying each day, "Ok." 

    This is not a Chris Davis issue.  It's an issue of the last remnants of everything that was wrong with our O's under the regime up to when Elias was hired.  If they don't have the balls to move on from the bad contract THEY initiated - for whatever reason, fidelity to CD, personal like of him... who cares.  They continue to look like morons everyday he's on the team.  The ball is in their court.

    I won't even get into how this casts shade on whether they have REALLY given the reigns to Elias or not.  But everyday CD remains on the team and the guys who hired him do nothing about it, it makes me wonder if anything has really changed or whether it's just a white-wash.

    You do have a point about Elias. 

    • Thanks 1
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