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Chavez Ravine

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Everything posted by Chavez Ravine

  1. Very efficient so far for Cole, just 18 pitches.
  2. Win! May I suggest that at the All Star break we send Kimbrel on a European river cruise for a month or so and have him fresh for the stretch.
  3. There is definitely a clear difference in approach. What is best? It’s fascinating. Of course, the world has shifted a bit since Buck’s time.
  4. Ha! Webb set him up for the fastball down the pipe.
  5. Didn’t the Rays bunt in an odd spot earlier as well? Is the internet down to Cash’s iPad?
  6. Mateo!!!! I love that at bat! He fought through the stuff falling off the plate he normally flails at. He got a fatty and just missed. Then got another one and crushed it. Has he become a hitter?
  7. Cash going old school. How long does he go with Civale?
  8. On the bright side, a lot of show and little go so for the Rays.
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