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Chavez Ravine

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Everything posted by Chavez Ravine

  1. A win is a win and a loss a loss. It’s good to chill in April cuz we are all going to lose a few years of life in October.
  2. I’m leery of advanced metrics, but yeah, Frobby makes better posts.
  3. The pitching comes out in the wash. But more importantly, Kimbrel looks good!
  4. Cano eventually gets it together. Not exactly the recommendation for the late inning dude.
  5. I am worried about Cano. Has his reliever star sign shifted unfavorably?
  6. Bots aside, I do think that every time a new pitcher comes in is another chance for them to not have it today.
  7. You need the bats for spring and pitching for Autumn.
  8. It might be the end..or he needs some vitamins. In any case, push is coming to shove soon.
  9. The tickets in hand, hotel is booked…it’s almost a Holliday.
  10. Mullins!! Did he call that?
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