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Chavez Ravine

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Everything posted by Chavez Ravine

  1. I thought that Cohen was the disrupter last year—a shot across the bow to spendthrift owners. Paradigm shift!! Now, he’s following the O’s. LOL.
  2. Does Gen Z even care about watching live legacy sports? It’s going to be all parking lot condos and gaming sports books in a couple decades.
  3. It seems like these days guys are actually showing up to camp in the best shape of their lives. The Chris Tillman off season regime is long gone.
  4. Wherever the dude goes people dislike him. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/jan/17/trevor-bauer-japan-ridge-alkonis-tweet "The police didn't charge him" is a low bar for a person.
  5. Urias is the only one who put him in this situation. He flushed his career down the toilet. I don’t care.
  6. Excellent move. We have our big boy pants on and we’re back in the Premier League.
  7. When will I be able to buy a parking lot condo?
  8. I know the fear. My brother (10 years younger than me) is mentally disabled. My wife and I have no kids. After us, It’s a handful of seldom scene cousins who might take care of him. On the getting scammed part: I know several intelligent, otherwise with it, folks who have gotten bilked in ways big and small. You never think it can happen to you until it does.
  9. I had an NROTC scholarship nixed because of that test! Granted, I also couldn’t pass the test that simulated traffic/buoy lights at a distance either. But I can do red shirts.
  10. Bully on the Dodgers. They make the Mets and Padres look like day traders Plus I love it when owners whine about how capitalism and the free market are flawed and unfair, and that they need regulated markets, collective fiscal oversight, price controls, government handouts, and federal intervention in the labor market in order to make ends meet so that they can keep giving us baseball out of the goodness of their heart.
  11. This makes perfect sense for a dude about to turn 30 and staring down the maw of baseball old age. What other team has a better chance of getting him glory, fun, sunshine? Mookie can teach him how to roll. He will get by on 2 mil a year, and then get some pension checks that—even deflated—will still allow him to do most anything he wants. Maximizing the return is not the only thing in life.
  12. No. But I am pretty sure Dodger management was not bidding against itself or flying by the seat of its pants. Mookie Betts and Freddie Freeman were the last big “gambles” they made.
  13. Even with how nutty and lousy with money owners are, free agency is inherently not much different than emailing a bunch of car dealers and asking what they could do to get you into a fancy new rig. By definition of the market the price is what it is. The actual eventual value to you is a whole different matter.
  14. The devil is very much in the details of how the deal is structured. I am guessing the Dodgers think that their financial risk and flexibility is managed just fine. Plus the development they want to build in the parking lot should easily pay for any end of contract fall off.
  15. Solid move. But I’m not feeling good if we have to use him in the 7th inning of a wild card game. Age seems to have made his fastball go wild and the power curve go flat at inopportune times.
  16. All pitchers break, except the small subset that don’t. Then there is the smaller subset that get their second or third wind in their late 30’s. I wrote off Verlander two or three times.
  17. So, wait. Is Seidler Barbarians at the Gate’ing the Padres? Lol. Poor San Diego.
  18. Corey is eyeballing another series MVP.
  19. Dunning should be interesting.
  20. The game has been fun so far. Arizona is doing their thing and hanging around.
  21. The 40 years ago today thread made me realize that I somehow had zero recollection of the actual games in ‘83. It must be because I was whacked out if my gourd with transferred vengeance!
  22. I had to watch game 7 of the ‘79 series with my Gettysburg cousins. They were die hard Philly fans and gleefully rooted for the Pirates simply to twist the knife. Ever since, I have gone Carrie on the Phillies.
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