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Chavez Ravine

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Everything posted by Chavez Ravine

  1. The last game of the season. Boo. In mourning, I have already had a beer...too quickly.
  2. This was the second instance that I saw this year (in a MLB game) where the umpire called the batter out simply for being out of the runners lane when there was no actual interference. A memo should be sent around.
  3. I’m amazed they are as “good” as they are. It’s not an easy task....although perhaps easier than trying to hit the ball! I suspect the TV box lines are just arbitrary and have no relation to the actual error. I’m just curious what it actually is. Has it been published anywhere?
  4. A question I have about the box...and the robo Ump system in general....is what is the measurement error? Is the thickness of the box lines supposed to represent the error? What is the significance level for determining a strike? Is some of the error related to systematic park effects? Weather effects?
  5. I don’t like it just from an aesthetic point of view. I want to watch the game, not an augmented reality. There is plenty of time while the pitcher and batter center themselves in preparation for the next pitch to show me any iffy calls with the box assist.
  6. Greinke got nasty on Cabrera. That was impressive.
  7. Altuve made a nice play to snag a Zimmerman grounder that finally brought the top of the 8th to an end. Someone in the Nat’s dugout (I didn’t recognize who) clapped their appreciation of the play (Or perhaps it was just happiness at a good inning). In any case, it looked similar to the applause my mom would give when my little league team finally managed to get off the field.
  8. Rendon unnecessarily rushed that throw.
  9. The fancy seats have cleared out. Even that curly haired baby child seems to have gone home.
  10. LOL. The Nats gave Altuve the hand clap.
  11. Well, outside of that dubious 3-2 pitch choice to Reddick, Rodney actually brought it.
  12. Classic Rodney. What was that pitch to Reddick?
  13. Astros are out of the zone and realizing they should have actually drank the water at the last comfort station.
  14. They aren’t seriously going to let Rodney pitch are they?
  15. Old man power! Well, pre-middle age power!
  16. Are there many pitchers in that group? I haven’t thought about it, honestlyThis World Series seems to be the invest in old, expensive, stud pitcher model. Even Cole is 29. Do you scour the world for cost controlled position talent then wait out the vagaries of life and buy top end pitching when you need it?
  17. I didn’t now he was younger than most of the recent draft...no one loves those high school pitchers anymore!
  18. This is firmly an old man comment, but I don’t like the strike zone box and the MPH indicator. First, my eyes and crappy TV can’t really read the MPH numbers. Second, I have a minimalist esthetic: ball, human, grass. Just show me the box on replay when there is an iffy call. I do like the miced Ump.
  19. I was being half sarcastic. I did read most of what I know about him this morning ?
  20. There was a NYT article a couple days ago exploring the question of whether baseball has a future or not. Their conclusion was that MLB was hyper-local compared to other sports. For instance, basically no one outside of Anaheim cares about Trout. But they thought that localism coupled with a long season with lots of games could translate into a strength...money wise at least.
  21. The most stupid play in baseball: getting thrown out at third.
  22. I don’t like Verlander, but I can’t remember the basis for my dislike. I think it has something to do with him perhaps being a self-absorbed hothead...but maybe I am just making all that up in my mind.
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