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Everything posted by Ruzious

  1. We're not making Jake work hard enough. Oh well, we'll just build up his confidence and wait for a 5 run inning.
  2. Holy bleep - this is too funny.
  3. Well, they do have special "enhancements" in Colorado - perhaps strong enough to make me appreciate what guffawing means.
  4. Alright, let's play some baseball! And hope it doesn't rain again until the 6th inning with us having a lead. Hmm, that doesn't necessarily work anymore, does it.
  5. Weather.com says "occasional thunder-storms to end at 8:30"
  6. Uggg, Davis isn't in the lineup, and we still can't enjoy the game.
  7. Yesterday looked like bad framing - but several times, it looked like the pitcher crossed him up - which looked like it cost them a couple of strikes. That seems to be happening a lot this year - not just with the O's.
  8. back to back what's? Sorry, not getting the movie references; just know it pisses me off every time I see Davis batting.
  9. I'd smile more with Mountcastle in the lineup. Is that ok?
  10. Pretty amazing, we're 9-7 - past one quarter of the 2020 games - and we still trot out the worst player in baseball almost every game and arguably the worst defensive player in the game (Smith).
  11. Agreed, it was a good listen, and I think the confidence comes from that they both put in the work. You can really see Ruiz put in the work in the gym - he looks like a different guy. It's basically what happened with Anthony Rendon. Rendon's obviously a higher level talent, and he was always going to be a star, but it wasn't till he started really building his muscles that he became a superstar. Look at him now vs when he was 25, and there's a huge difference in his upper body. Rio won't become Rendon, but I think he's a different player than he's been up until this season. And we're possibly seeing the same with Cisco - though it's not as obvious to me that he's had that kind of body transformation.
  12. I know ya can't do that with a football.
  13. Rio Ruiz literally on a role. That's gonna leave a highlight.
  14. Even when the ump made the right call on a 3rd strike to the Philly batter, he didn't even say strike 3 when he rung him up. Either that or he got drowned out by the crowd... nah. Last night was bad. Tonight is truly awful.
  15. Palmer's amazing. I'm not sure I've ever seen someone at 74 who looks as good as him. And he still seems very sharp. I hope he stays involved with the broadcasts at least till the O's have some success. No, hopefully that doesn't mean till he's 100.
  16. If the virus doesn't get us, the O's vs Phil's surely will.
  17. You think that pop-up dropping was by accident?
  18. I was trying for a reverse jinx for the team - and it got us a walk - and the tying run.
  19. LLLOOOLLL. That play... ouch. It's a team killer, if there is such a thing.
  20. I wouldn't be surprised if Davis has already had his last career RBI in the majors.
  21. The only negative in trying that was - guess who leads off next inning. It was still worth the shot, because there was absolutely zero chance that Davis was going to knock in the run.
  22. Really foolish review call by Hyde. It wasn't even close.
  23. The ump must have McCutcheon on his fantasy team. And still, Givens struck him out - impressive.
  24. It feels funny to say this, but I trust that our bullpen can beat their bullpen.
  25. It worked out in the end, but starting Scott out on each batter with a slider in the dirt made zero sense - he was an automatic ball one on each count. His slider very effective when he's ahead in the count - that's when he should use it - not.... to start out 1 and 0 on everyone!
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