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billhatf last won the day on March 6 2016

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  1. This seems to me to be a huge issue. As young Orioles come up, they've been used to more consistent ball/strike calls in the minors because of the robo or challenge. Then they get here and the ball/strike calls are many orders of magnitude worse because there is no accountability for the umpires. IMHO, this is by far the biggest flaws in the product called Major League Baseball
  2. Larry's gonna be at 3rd base tonite. Checked swing calls are gonna be brutal!!
  3. I happen to agree with Roy. They traded for a right handed DH while they had one sitting at norfolk. They called up a guy today that was a throw in on a cash deal. I don't know what Coby is thinking, but perhaps he saw that Hays became a squeaky wheel and went to Philly, and two norfolk teammates went to Miami... perhaps the lesson learned is the path to the show is to be the squeaky wheel.
  4. Yeah, but they just traded for that exact thing instead of calling up Mayo ... if he's never going to play 3rd and only once in a blur moon at 1st then he's a dh, just like the guy they traded for. I *hope* it's just service time manipulation, meanwhile we get to see vavra and Soto and the other AAA leftovers they can bring in.
  5. This fills no need. He can't play OF ... righthand DH only. Mayo could have filled that role.
  6. I was referring to today. After yesterday. I watched two games yesterday and listed the needs IMHO. Ellen isn't bad, but if the orioles wanted to charge to the finish line the needs were as I listed.
  7. Needed impact starter, leverage reliever, and right handed outfielder. Didn't get any of them. Looks like they traded more for next year and waved white flag for 2024 ...
  8. Outfielder, shortstop, catcher.... shorebirds opponents better get ready for a lot of "coach pitch" games if we don't get some pitchers
  9. Ha! This one strikes a chord with me. I was in Richmond va working for crestar and at 8 in the morning trucks pulled in and took out all the pepsi machines and replaced them with coke. At 9 in the morning we were told we had been bought by SunTrust. Apparently, replacing the soda machines was more important than telling the employees.
  10. Yes. Defense. I think Kjerstad will develop into a good power hitter, but right now Stowers adds more defensively.
  11. I just switched to directv stream. Love it. Only Samsung smart tvs have it natively, but fire sticks are cheap and work well. I also got glofiber internet at the same time. The tv picture is much more dynamic without all the compressing from comcast.
  12. I mostly agree with this, though I believe Stowers has earned that last outfield spot so far this spring. Maybe one or two differences in the bullpen based on performance thus far this spring. Henderson, Mayo, Cowser, and Stowers are showing they're ready. It's a great vet / youth mix that provides enough options to keep everybody fresh over 162.
  13. For a team that is in it to win it now, I'd take an established 30 hrs / year switch hitter and not worry about blocked prospects. Plant him at DH and the 3 or 4 hole. Cowser can be 4th OF, Kjerstad can have RF if they live up to the hype. If not, he can still be quality RF.
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