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Everything posted by MCO'sFan

  1. I just don't agree with this statement. I know dozens of people who were O's fans who instantly became Nats fans when they moved in. The O's win/loss had nothing to do with it. I am sure that some people left due to the losing but it is a very small number based on my experience and opinion.
  2. The Nats move to DC absolutely hurt the O's tremendously. They took significant corporate sponsorships and luxury box owners away. They virtually lost all of DC, NoVa and most of MoCo and Pg. Losing didn't help but even when the O's had the best record in baseball over a 5 year period, attendance didn't improve to even close to pre-Nats levels.
  3. He had a significant labrum tear and repair that took him about three years to come back completely. He was not at full physical capacity with the O's. He is one of the few that have come back from that better than before.
  4. I've been a member since 2014 and just switched over to PayPal. I have gone through periods when I post fairly often and then I don't for a long time. But I visit daily, usually multiple times a day. It's still the best source of O’s news and discussion. I've been through many number of post resets. I think I made it to over 1,000 once before going back to zero. Been through the Tony on active duty era (thank you for your service) sportsguy era and I hung on for the ride that never really came. I gladly pay to keep the site up and running.
  5. Thanks for the clarification. That all makes sense.
  6. I completely agree with this point. Here's what I think is the deciding factors before you consider an intervention. 1. Pain/Health - Are they experiencing abnormal/significant pain during the game or immediately afterwards. 2. Recovery - Are they able to recovery properly within the appropriate time frame. 3. Is their velocity/command on par with their peers. 4. Are they getting guys out. He checks all these boxes. Leave him alone until he doesn't
  7. Without getting into an argument (maybe I don't fully understand what you are trying to convey and I am not talking specifically about Grayson) but, I disagree with this statement. Linear progression down the mound, creates energy from the back side leg. This is critical for both velocity and command. I've been fortunate enough to discuss this a pretty good length with some very high caliber folks. If you are trying to say that not everyone has the same "optimal load" on the back side, then I agree completely. Everyone is different.
  8. Ha Ha, I missed that entirely. I thought you were referring to Gunnar!!
  9. Not sure if this is rhetorical or snarky or an honest question. This is an age old recruiting technique. Recruit shortstops (who are usually the best athletes on any team) and then move them as needed. This is what Mike Martin did at FSU for 40 years.
  10. It is a matter of personal perception. I great discount the Nats division titles due to the extended time that everyone else in their division stunk. In every year that the Nats had serious competition they've failed to win the division and they've been exposed during the playoffs when they did make it there. I am not saying I'd rather be in the O's position rather than the Nats but there has been a huge difference in the quality of teams in the AL East vs. the NL east for the last 6-8 years.
  11. They were likely concerned about the 26 pitches in the first inning. No need to push him at this point.
  12. I think I read on this board that time after the rosters expand do not count but I am not sure. I found a FAQ online that talks about the 90 day requirement but doesn't mention September at all. So I cold be wrong. Hopefully, someone on the board will read my not so helpful post and correct me if I am wrong.
  13. Or, it could be a model that other teams follow. The O's don't seem to get hurt by the Rule 5 maybe it's an outcome of what is seen as our system lacking depth. It seems smart to me and completely within the rules. I am talking real injuries and not fake ones. Virtually no risk involved.
  14. It seems like the O's may be on to something. Take a good but injured player in the Rule 5 and rehab him for most of the year calling him up late so that the service time stretches into the following season. They only need to keep him on the major league team for 90 days and not an entire season. Teams will often leave injured players unprotected. I'm not sure if this was the plan all along but, it is certainly a way to "work" the system.
  15. The O's have won more than these two teams for the last three years. The Jays have not "won" anything since the 90's. Toronto is a much larger market with even larger resourses.
  16. <p><p><p>Montgomery College Rockville</p></p></p>

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