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Teddy OBP

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Teddy OBP last won the day on September 28 2014

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  1. Looking forward to our new hitting and 3rd base coaches next year.
  2. Depending on what’s going on with Adley there may be enough DH bats in addition wherever else they stick Mayo and Kjerstad in the field. Hopefully it’s just a lingering issue with his hand but even so in the long run Adley needs more days off, which is easier if he ends up being a sub .800 OPS guy.
  3. I was optimistic going into the playoffs last year. I have no expectations at all even if they make it this year. It’s going to hurt less no matter what.
  4. Almost every one that makes it has a great play to save it. That might have been it.
  5. Adley is just not good. On offense or defense right now.
  6. Being whacky is cool when you’re winning and aren’t playing like garbage. Otherwise not so much.
  7. The whole team is just vomiting on themselves except for Santander and whomever is wearing Urias’ jersey the last week. I can’t imagine Hyde survives this season without some sort of miracle playoff run.
  8. Walk, steal, and dinger is no way to go through life son.
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