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Posts posted by blueberryale77

  1. Co-workers who won't stay out of your office!:cussing:

    I swear, my office neighbor comes in at least twice a day, plunks his butt down on my guest chair and proceeds to spend at least 10 minutes telling me about some vaguely work-related story he read, what new words his baby daughter said today, or how his wife's car is in the shop without bothering to check if I'm in the middle of something. I don't want to become the one unfriendly person in the office who keeps my door shut all the time, but it's getting tempting.

  2. Making 300 copies of something and then finding an embarrassing mistake in it

    Also co-workers who invade your space while you're trying to fix a jam in the copier

  3. I moved out of my old apartment yesterday. The power company was supposed to disconnect the power. At some point in the day they came out, read the meter, but cancelled the order to disconnect the power. I got no notification of this. I only found out because I checked my online account statement today because the lights hadn't been out when I handed over my keys around 7:30 last night. I can't get an explanation because Progress Energy doesn't employ any customer service reps on weekends. Whoever's answering the phone at 7 am Monday morning is going to be talking to this little guy: :cussing:

  4. My mom went into the hospital on Tuesday for what was supposed to be a minor procedure. She and my dad are educated people and asked a bunch of questions and got nothing but a bunch of paternalistic, reassuring BS about how it was no big deal. Now she is still stuck in the hospital because of some complications until at least tomorrow and still can't seem to get a straight answer out of anybody - or even get the same doctor to come back and clarify his or her answer after a different doctor tells her something conflicting. How health care is paid for is definitely one big problem in our country, but how the system disrespects patients may be an even bigger one - and that's without getting into whatever medical mistakes may have caused the complications!

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  5. Computer eating a quarterly reporting document that about 10 people have spent hours working on, while I'm working on it, and our IT guy can't figure out any way to recover it! On top of that, all the Charter customers in North and South Carolina (including my office) had no internet service all morning and just got it back. Something is seriously wrong with the interwebs! :angryfire:

  6. Allergies flaring up for no apparent reason.

    Mold? I've been having problems with that lately because of all the wet weather here in WNC and from what I understand there may be similar issues in the northeast.

  7. This thread always seems to come back - but not because of me - on the days that my office has big public meetings and tons of people mess up and/or congregate in our bathroom. Seriously, we have too small of an employee bathroom for the size of our meeting room to begin with. When the "guests" render the stalls unusable by making messes or use the bathroom as a place to talk on their cell phones, a real worker in our office has no chance of being able to pee in peace.

    On the anti-rant side, I had an excuse to leave because I had a meeting out of town this afternoon so I'm now working for the rest of the afternoon from a coffee house where the internet works better than in my office AND the bathroom is cleaner!

  8. Politicians. Of all stripes. They're all stupid, filthy, stinking liars who only care about getting re-elected. :angryfire:

    (Yes there is a specific reason for this post at this time but going into detail about it could get me fired.)

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  9. Yes I'd much rather watch UMBC/Albany than the NBA Finals, and I'm sure they're even more skilled since they don't have to travel to score.:rolleyes:

    Of course Kobe doesn't have to travel to score, but when the refs allow him (and other stars) to on a regular basis it damages the integrity of the game.

  10. Watching an hour of sportscenter that only shows Kobe Bryant highlights and Plaxico Burris coverage. Not one baseball highlight the whole show.

    Speaking of Kobe Bryant, did anyone else play in the finals for LA? NPR informed me this morning that he has now won a championship "all by himself" without Shaquille O'Neal.

    Actually I did see parts of three of the games, and in each one I saw a "great drive to the basket" by Kobe that involved significant traveling. NBA basketball is about as real of a sport as the WWE.

  11. Very familiar with the co-op's so called "Spoons Deli". The sandwiches are alright. You should see the new full grocery store size Co-op they built on 4th St. in Eureka. Hole in the Wall is slightly better. There are now two "Philly Cheesesteak Shoppe's". One in Arcata and one in Eureka. They get their ingredients from Philly, but they're not real cheesesteaks to me. My next rant wiil be about wanting one of those.

    I'm just too hard to please. I'd kill for a real Sub shop or Deli from back in Baltimore.

    What is the deal with getting your ingredients from Philly making your cheesesteak somehow authentic? I recently was in a pizza place in Brevard, NC that claimed to have the best Philly cheese steaks because they imported their rolls from a bakery in Philadelphia. Know what I'd rather have? A freshly baked roll that was made this morning in the local area rather than one that sat in a warehouse for who knows how long and then traveled 12+ hours in a truck.

  12. LOL:laughlol:

    I bet I might know who the Old Lady was:eek::rolleyestf:

    Does your monster-in-law drive a giant silver Lincoln or Mercury sedan with NC license plate 8101 HD (the woman driving did not appear to be handicapped, although there was a much older man sitting in the passenger seat who may have been)? I'm not actually going to file any kind of claim since my car is pretty old and has lots of little scratches, but I made a point of getting out, writing down her license plate number and then going over to check out my door just to make a point. She did create the second largest scratch on my 14 year old car! The problem wasn't really the ding though, it was the fact that she slammed her door - HARD - into the door of a car that someone was sitting in, then made eye contact with me and simply turned away and shrugged smugly as if she had nothing to apologize for. I suspect the fact that she was driving a brand new luxury vehicle and I was sitting in the 1995 Saturn I've never quite had the heart to get rid of as long as it keeps working had a lot to do with her complete lack of regard for me or my property. :angryfire:

  13. This weekend's/Monday morning's rants:

    • Arriving at the only decent sports bar in the Asheville area and finding a sign on the window that it's closed due to the economy
    • Having some snooty looking old lady in a luxury car slam her door into the side of my car while I'm sitting in it leaving a large visible scratch then just drive away as if nothing happened
    • Taking my work laptop home for the weekend and forgetting to bring it back Monday morning
    • Out-of-place anti-rant: getting two free Asheville Tourists tickets for spotting their mascot outside a supermarket on my way home to get the laptop I forgot :D
  14. TV snobs who take television WAY too seriously, so far as to fear they might be judged based on what's on their TV screen.

    People who don't let you blow off steam by exaggerating a little while ranting about ubiquitous pop cultural phenomena that you can't stand. ;)

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  15. So have you ever watched a television show that you should be completely ashamed of watching? Welcome to my current old-school Beverly Hills 90210 kick.

    Last night I watched part of the local news on tv, then ran upstairs to get something, got a phone call, and ended up upstairs for awhile without turning off the tv downstairs. I got off the phone and heard an announcer yelling and carrying on about who was going to get kicked off American Idol this week, so I go downstairs to turn off the tv, mainly to save electricity but also because I did not want that mindless garbage being pumped into my house even with nobody watching. Unfortunately, just as I got to the bottom of the steps, my neighbor knocked on the door. So I opened the door with American freaking Idol blaring from my television and now my neighbor must think I watch that crap, plus I had to talk to him for a few minutes before I could go turn the infernal nonsense off. I really, really don't understand how anyone can be amused by those insane "judges" or think any of the people singing possess anything remotely resembling talent. Ugh!

    Also, just out of curiosity, is American Idol on every night of the week? It seems to me almost every time I check what's on Fox on weekday evening, it's either on or coming up next.

  16. I really wish so many Marylanders, especially Marylander drivers, wouldn't take "Stupid pills."

    I just wish takers of stupid pills wouldn't drive... or I guess for that matter be seen anywhere in public. :P

  17. Trying to do work on opening day. It's just pointless. Add to that that my office is in North Carolina so those that don't care about baseball are thinking about college basketball all day, and they really should have just pretended the server was down or something and closed the office so we don't have to sit here at our computers pretending we're not all surfing sports web sites of one kind or another.

  18. Oh, and one more thing about my office neighbor whose phone conversations I'm sick and tired of hearing... if your boss has a hyphenated last name, it is not a good idea to unilaterally decide to de-hyphenate it and use just her husband's last name when referring to her in conversations with other business partners. :rolleyes:

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