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Posts posted by blueberryale77

  1. People still listen to Anita Marks? Even with another sports station in Baltimore?

    Only when Brian Roberts is on. In a way I can't wait for him to be traded so I no longer have the urge to subject myself to it.

  2. Wow. People like that should be banned, but I guess they don't get caught if they don't post #501.

    This loser's hit me at least twice now. He has 498 posts. Of course a red from somebody with one pip isn't worth a whole lot, but it's a little annoying to have some jackhole who isn't even currently an active member of the community critiquing what kind of poster you are, you know? I do wonder if he started a new account when he got to 500 and is just using the old one to give out rep without being able to get it back. I mean, why would you bother scanning the board for people to give negative rep to if the community isn't important enough to you to pay for a stinking plus membership?

  3. Posters who haven't posted since they got up around the 500 post mark back in 2005 but still lurk around throwing out negative rep with nasty comments to people who weren't even on the board back when they actually participated in it. Talk about needing to get a life. :rolleyestf:

  4. LOL!!:laughlol:

    Does this person sell something?:rolleyestf:

    Nope. Social worker with the elderly. She's very nice but I bet sometimes the old people really want to smack her.

  5. I just got a mass email from a co-worker reminding us all that "every day is a good day to gift yourself through self-care." :puke:

    This isn't so much a rant as an "I can't believe somebody actually said that... and was serious!"

  6. I'm angry at Jermaine!!!

    Jermaine is the root of all evil! :angryfire::cussing::mad:

    If nothing else, I'm 99% sure he's responsible for making the dang Retrievers forget how to shoot all night against Towson.


  7. People complaining that posts on the OH are biased. Of course everyone posting their opinion on a message board has a bias towards their own way of thinking. How boring would it be if we all posted only verifiable facts on here?

  8. Having to host a stupid public hearing no members of the public are going to come to about a transportation plan nobody cares about at the same exact time as the UMBC-Towson basketball game (which is on MASN so if I weren't working that night I could go watch it in a sports bar down here). :angryfire::angryfire::angryfire:

    Also, going to the grocery store and learning their bakery has stopped making the vegan chocolate cake they got you addicted to... right after you realized the stupid public hearing was the same night as the aforementioned game. :cussing:

  9. Bern in hell, New Bern, NC... and either get some restaurants/bars that stay open after 9:00 or stop trying to sell yourself as a convention site! :cussing:

  10. Dirty diapers should be placed in a trash receptacle, not thrown from your window onto the street/sidewalk where I bike to work every day. It's like navigating a minefield in the projects next to my school.

    How ironic that you post this right after a post about a band that once emptied the latrine from their tour bus into a river, sliming a bunch of tourists on a cruise in the process.

    Seriously, in all the discussions I've had at work about how to eliminate barriers to people using sustainable modes of transportation to get to work, I never thought about the danger of diapers. Kudos to you for perservering despite the stinky mess!

  11. The leaves changing. The foliage doesn't get much better than this!! Enjoy it!

    Dude, you need to come to the Great Smoky Mountains. It's truly amazing here. :)

  12. Can we just having the f@#*ing election already?? I'm sick of this!

    Not yet, I haven't found time to vote early yet... because "EARLY" voting doesn't start until 9:30 am! I guess the plan was to make voting extra accessible to the unemployed. :scratchchinhmm::angryfire:

  13. I don't understand the abbreviation "Teix." I know it's more "correct" than Tex, but how are you supposed to pronounce that? "Taysh"?

    Tex is a much better nickname.

    I agree, I find that annoying too. Then again I find just about everything about Mark Teixeira annoying. :scratchchinhmm:

  14. I'm assuming:

    "Free upgrade!" = Oops, dude where's the car you reserved?! Beats us!


    Free upgrade = now that everybody wants a fuel efficient car, we don't know what to do with all these dang Hummers we bought for our fleet. The kicker is that they act all offended that you're not overjoyed to have the "upgrade." It's almost impossible to rent a small car these days... except for the Chevy Cobalt I have today from Hertz because Enterprise sucks at life. :D

  15. No self-respecting metrosexual would be caught dead in Berkenstocks. ;)

    This brings up a question I've wondered about for a while... is a straight woman who dresses like a (stereotypical) lesbian a metrosexual?

  16. I hate Mcdonalds monopoly! My wife has gotten hooked on it thinking we will win, though for 50 weeks a year we dont eat there.

    Maybe you should show your wife "Supersize Me." :D

  17. Trying to pick up the compact rental car you reserved for a work trip and being offered a choice of a "free upgrade" to a HUMMER of all things or a full size sedan that hasn't been cleaned out yet and reeks of cigarette smoke... AFTER Enterprise's "we'll pick you up" service is half an hour late!

  18. The National Anthem is about the SONG, not the performers..I hate when singers do what the Backstreet Boys just did. I want to sing along sometimes..

    I was going to rant about that too! That butchering of the National Anthem at the World Series was absolutely unacceptable! But hey, what better way to start the Fall Classic inside a plastic dome with catwalks criss-crossing over the playing field than with a bunch of 30something ex-teenybopper stars dishonoring our nation with their pathetic excuse for music?

    • Upvote 1
  19. 1. If you are sick enough to puke, stay home from work.

    2. If you become sick enough to puke while at work, go home.

    3. If you must puke at work, be sure you don't miss the toilet bowl.

    4. If you do miss the toilet bowl, CLEAN IT UP!!!

    5. If you are going to puke at work, miss the toilet bowl, and not clean up after yourself, DO NOT prepare for the event by spending the day complaining to colleagues about how nauseated you feel because that will probably give them a pretty good idea who left the puke on the toilet seat... that or somebody will get "sick" of hearing about your stomach issues and put some fake puke on the back of a toilet seat so people blame you. Whichever of those things happened in my office today, I do not appreciate it!

  20. Sounds like they installed them out of level. Storm windows are really easy to install. If your landlord can't do that right, I wouldn't let them near the plumbing or electrical systems.:laughlol:

    Very true. It is an older house that has settled a bit, but the old storm windows fit just fine. I'm sure I could have done a better job myself. The windows would probably be fine if they weren't installed by IDIOTS!!! :cussing::cussing::cussing:

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