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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. "Spring Training is all about getting my work in. For me, it's not so much about what the hitter is doing. It's what I need to do, which is commanding my stuff on both sides of the plate, up [and] down," Cashner said. "[I'm] still getting acclimated with all the plays. I think the 'A' games are to show something or prove something. I'll prove my stuff during the season." Thinks mighty highly of himself.
  2. You or I could go out there and probably fare just as well.
  3. Makes sense, the further you get on top of it the more downward trajectory you get and the harder it is to elevate. Still, very "meh" on this one. Should be better than Ubaldo but I don't expect much better than Miley. Did the Orioles just get better? Nope.
  4. I don't think we'll ever be able to trade him. Maybe if we eat a lot of the salary. But while Davis is capable of such highs his lows are too low.
  5. There's a lot of reason to be down on the big guy after the year he had. I have a hunch that he's in for a big year, though. I don't think he's one to not work hard in an offseason. I predict 35 bombs, a .250 average with a .350 on base. One thing I like about Davis is that his on base percentage isn't propped up by his batting average.
  6. I was being sarcastic. I know he has a live arm. Doesn't really matter though, he is terrible. I'd argue that without the command, he doesn't have an MLB pitch.
  7. Too bad we don't have a way to Frankenstein players.
  8. I've never seen it. The same pitch that helps him to a 5.86 ERA? Wilson and Wright are like this decades Kline and DeJean for me.
  9. Appreciate him leaving the organization, sure.
  10. Does he need a ride to the airport? I'm down. I'll even carry his bags for him.
  11. Certainly rooting for Nick to get to 2,000. 2,500 would be fantastic for him. Still never understood where his power went. I hope that doesn't hold him back. I hope the fans in Atlanta love him as much as we do, too.
  12. Well you're just hard as hell to impress, aren't you?
  13. They don't have to have a guy like Kershaw, especially with the offense they cultivating. If you've got three guys that have a 3 ERA and a bullpen with guys like Betances and Chapman, you should be ok. If Tanaka can get it figured out they'll be in good shape.
  14. It's certainly not a bad one. Tanaka is the only one really holding them back. Where would we be with three starters that had ERA's under 4?
  15. Hate to say it, but I like Judge. Fully aware that he's going to be killing us for the next 10 years but there's no one more fun to watch right now. Trout might be a more complete player and the WAR God, Harper is right there in the conversation but Judge is a different beast. On top of that, seems like a good guy. Gotta give credit when it's due.
  16. Heh. Made this post a year ago tomorrow. I must be a psychic.
  17. Looks like people caught on. Not sure, but it's a cause for concern. Someone drafted that high out of a college shouldn't have these issues.
  18. This guy sucks. I'm not saying he can't get better. I'm not saying I give up on him as a prospect. But right now, he sucks.
  19. I hate the Sox and Jays more. I've resigned to the fact that the Yankees are almost always going to be good. What's more, this iteration of the Yankees is hard to REALLY hate. They've got a lot of good young players, they've built themselves the right way. I'm jealous and I don't mind admitting it. I wish we had guys like Judge, Sanchez, Bird. They've got more on the way, too.
  20. Well then. Who's driving him to the dealer, his mom?
  21. Well, I agree with the sentiment (and pulling on the heartstrings, you bastard) of the last paragraph. But IMO, you still gotta hit the ball. I'm not sure if there's much of a difference between the designer drugs and the mass building stuff. From what I know the goal of the PEDs is to recover from workouts faster to build more muscle quicker than you naturally could. Designer drug or mass building, IMO, it's splitting hairs. These guys aren't taking them for any other reasons, right? Again, I'm not sure when Marte started using. Has it been reported?
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