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Posts posted by backwardsk

  1. I am watching the game and it is like 2012 never happened. No starting pitching, no defense, no fundamentals.

    But there is the extra inning Grand Slam by Wieters. I want to say he did that against CWS last year.

  2. I think I bought a house this week. We ratified a contract and should close in two months. We bought back at the peak in 2006. We didn't think we could pull off a move.

  3. So who is coming back in the next month who may make a difference?

    Orioles - Hammel, Patton

    Yankees - ARod, Teixeira, Pettitte

    Rays - nobody

    White Sox - De Aza, Hudson

    Tigers - Raburn, Schlereth

    Angels - Bourjos

    A's - Griffin, Inge, Devine, Norberto, Sogard

    Inge is going to shut it down, iirc.

  4. Got my house under contract in just over a month after putting it on the market. Let's hope it all works out.

    Cool! Good luck. I'm finally signing off on my re-finance tomorrow. Thanks HARP.

    • Upvote 1
  5. The Miller lite commercials that are getting a lot of run during the tournament--the one about the 3 guys who are looking for a sober ride home. The one guy fakes an Australian accent to get the woman to take him home. Then it cuts to them in her car with the two buddies in the back seat. What exactly was she expecting to happen?

  6. Turn signals...USE THEM people! Its really not that much work to reach your little finger down there and pull on the lever. Rather easy actually. Jerks!

    I feel bad when I see people who are surely paying a lot to lease their BMW get ripped off because it didn't come with a turn signal.

  7. The Cut by George Pelacanos. I can't get enough of his books but his characters are all pretty similar. It's like reading a different variation of the same story over and over again.

    Got it for Christmas, finished it in a few days. Could have read it in a day if I had the time. What other books by him do you recommend? He's very similar to dennis lehane.

  8. The Big Short was excellent. Liar's Poker 2.0.

    What killed me in that book is how these few people shorting housing should have been a much larger group. If enough investors knew what they were doing, then rampant shorting should have stopped the bubble before the meltdown occurred. At least, that's how these markets are supposed to operate.

    Obviously, things were more complicated then this which made it hard to see the bubble forming.

    I'm also starting Boomerang.

    I recommend that both you and Frobby read House of Cards. It's about the Bear Stearns collapse. A lot of mini-biographies in there. I'm about ready to start Too Big to Fail.

    Currently reading Snowball. Buffett's biography. I also read Dinosaur, Dinasaur to my daughter. It was epic.

  9. my voicemail message is "hey. leave a message." it's misleading because I never check my voicemail.

    Regarding voicemail etiquette, I have this project manager who leaves a message, "this is blank, call me.". No reference to what she wants. Or, if I'm on the phone, she'll call me three times within 5 minutes, but leave no message. Or when we do touch base, her questions are so vague and nonproductive. It's like asking me, "How are we with the orioles issue?". Me: what are you referring to exactly? Her: you know, the orioles issue. What's the status?

    Making me mad...

  10. I really don't watch much wrestling these days, but I watched a documentary the other night called "Beyond the Mat." Has anyone seen that? I think it's pretty dated, but it had a focus on Jake Roberts at the end of his career. Also, there is a Koko B Ware sighting.

  11. My anti-rant goes out the good people of INOVA Health Center-Springfield. One night after my daughter's first birthday, she was up all night struggling to breathe. We took her in to the emergency room and they took the best care of her. They calmed one frikkin scared papa, and got my girl's breathing back to normal. The doctor took the time to explained the situation and treatment approach and patiently listened to me rattle it off back to him to make sure I understood. They even gave our home a call today to check in with her. I'm quite impressed.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Screw you, Rex Ryan. I thought you were a defensive mastermind. How do you let Tom Brady, Wes Welker, and Aaron Hernandez walk all over you? Now my Fantasy Football season looks like it's over. :cussing:

  13. The young, slender blonde who cut my hair smelled kinda like a stripper. I find nothing wrong with that.

    Aaahh, the smell of broken dreams and strained daddy relationships.

  14. I could not be happier that the VT - JMU game is not televised. I could not handle watching this.

    I think they'll be a replay tonight and tomorrow night on Comcast.

  15. I'm in the middle of an utterly surreal e-mail exchange trying to set up a phone interview. You know, like this:

    A: Please contact me to set up an appointment.

    My reply: Would 4:00 on 9/2 work?

    A: Yes, 4:30 is fine.

    Me: :confused: OK, 4:30 is also good.

    A: Great, I will talk to you at 4:00.

    Me: :confused::cussing:

    Just call at 4:15. :D

  16. 14 hour workdays in 100+ degree heat (with no air movement). And' date=' even though I only have to work for a couple hours tomorrow, it's right in the middle of my evening. [b']Which means I can't do any of my Saturday drinking until later. Not a problem, except I had planned to start much earlier in the day.[/b]

    Work hours makin me mad!!!!! :cussing:

    Still don't really see the problem here. :D

  17. My daughter (first child) was born tonight. And I didn't pass out! Poor thing, cute little girl going through life with the name Eddie Murray Backwardsk.

    • Upvote 3
  18. Just finished The Ticket Out: Darryl Strawberry & the Boys of Crenshaw by Michael Sokolove.

    This was a fantastic book about what may have been the greatest high school baseball team ever.

    Was Chris Brown (Padres organization) on that team?

  19. Getting outside on my lunch break to get in an 8 miler! The weather is awesome and really made it great!!!

    I think I'd need all afternoon to do 8 miles.

    An hour and a half until I leave for Vegas!

  20. I started reading Perfect last night. I got through the prologue and two chapters. I really, really like it. It takes into account the other players that were involved in that game (Don Larsen's perfect Game 5 of the 1956 World Series) and provides interesting stories about them. For example, the starting pitcher for Brooklyn that day not only pitched in that game, but pitched in the "Shot Heard 'Round the World" game and the WS game where Mays made the over-the-shoulder catch.

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