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Posts posted by backwardsk

  1. 5 hours ago, webbrick2010 said:

    Ooops sorry he hit .221 for a full year last year, now he's hitting .226 so I guess he is trending up

    .250 now.  If it keeps going up .029 points every few hours, he'll likely win the batting title.

  2. 6 minutes ago, ArtVanDelay said:

    Fangraphs has those players combining for 5.7 WAR.  That's including Miggy but not Chen.  Would be 8 wins if you included Chen.  

    5.7 out of 16.3 WAR that our pitcher's produced that year.  The position players combined for 12.7 WAR, of which DD contributed 1.8 between McClouth (1.2) and Betemit (0.6).  That's 7.5 WAR out of 29.  Nice contributions, yes.  But I give most of the credit to AM and Buck.  

    So why did they only win 69 games the year before?  They had Buck.  They had the core.

  3. 25 minutes ago, ArtVanDelay said:

    You realize that he traded for Jason Hammel, not Cole Hamels, right?  Those are ace numbers.  Jason Hammel certainly was not an ace in 2012.

    I'm not arguing that DD hasn't added some nice short-term pieces.  I'm arguing with your statement that he's the one who rescued this org from purgatory.  He was given a fantastic core of players when he got the job.

    Yes, I do know that they traded for Jason Hammel. He was a 3 WAR pitcher in 2012.  They also got Lindstrom.  He was a .8 WAR pitcher for the 2012 Orioles.  Lindstrom was traded in season for Joe Saunders, also a .8 pitcher.  Add those three guys together and you get 4.6 WAR.  For Guthrie.  DD completely turned the pitching around in 2012.  Same core position players, plus a half year of Manny, as the 69 win 2011 team.

    You said he played a small part.  I've shown that he brought in close to 8 wins on three pitching moves.  That's with giving him no credit for Chen.  Over 10 wins if you include him.  Is that a small part?

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  4. 3 minutes ago, ArtVanDelay said:

    DD didn't acquire Machado, O'Day and Strop.  He did acquire Chen but some on here credit AM for that.  I can't find any proof of that, so if someone can, I'd appreciate it.  The Hammel trade was nice, but I'd give DD a very small amount of the credit for 2012.  Most goes to AM and Buck.

    Why did they only win 69 games the previous year?

    Duquette's strength is building the edges of the roster.  Everything he touched that year worked.  

    He brought in Ayala who gave them 160 ERA+ over 60 innings.  The Guthrie trade you mentioned turned into Joe Saunders. Paired with Lindstrom, that was 36.1 innings at 156 ERA+ and 44.2 innings at 117 ERA+.

    So when you say that the Hammels trade was nice, I agree. 199 IP. 4.6 WAR.  Guthrie, 181.2 IP. 1.6 WAR.  So yeah, pretty nice.

    Do we give DD credit for bringing in Gonzalez?

    So even if you don't give him any credit for bringing in Chen, which is kind of weird to me, DD brought in (Gonzalez, Lindstrom, Ayala, and Saunders) 300+ IP that produced 7.7 WAR.

    I've never believed that one has to pick one GM or the other.  AM did a great job of bringing in Davis, Jones, Tillman, Hardy.  He didn't bring in O'Day.  Three of the four I mentioned could have left by now.  They haven't.

  5. 26 minutes ago, ArtVanDelay said:

    And I'm pretty sure no one cares what Curt Schilling has to say anyway.

    Not unless you want to learn about how to defraud a state out of $75M.

  6. 31 minutes ago, webbrick2010 said:

    This is a guy that hit .196 in 2014 and .226 last year

    He's hitting .221 now... I think that's about what you can expect with diminished power as he ages poorly

    I concur that this is the worst player contract in Orioles history. Who signed this guy??

    Chris Davis is not hitting .221.

    Duquette signed him.  The same GM who brought this organization out of purgatory.

  7. 7 minutes ago, ChuckS said:

    Stockpiling potential back end bullpen guys.  I like it.  

    A few of em are bound to turn out.  I'm including some of our homegrown guys in this too (Liranzo, Cleavinger, Scott, Meisinger).  Now Magnifico, Fry, and I thought there was another guy we picked up over the last week, but I can't recall his name. 

    Castro and Faulkner, unless they try to make them starters.

  8. 50 minutes ago, InsideCoroner said:

    Today against the Phillies, Guthrie had one of the worst pitching lines I've seen in recent years. 2/3 of an inning, 6 hits, 4 walks and 10 earned runs. 

    That outing ain't Royal.

    Same ERA as Liriano.  He gave up twice as many runs, but got twice as many outs.

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