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Posts posted by backwardsk

  1. Job offer GET!

    After stringing together part-time jobs and Craigslist side jobs for years to make ends meet, I finally got a job offer for a full-time position. It's a call center position at CVS, providing tech support to their store employees. Basically, it's the job I interviewed for in July but didn't get. The pay isn't super awesome, but it's a second shift job so I'll be able to go back to school in January. I'm turning 30 on Saturday, so it's nice to be on the right track for the first time in a long time.

    I don't want to get political here. I can understand arguments for and against the Affordable Care Act. All I have to say is that without it, I probably would still not have insurance, would still not be on medications for depression and ADHD, and would still not be a productive member of society. So, while there are certainly issues with it, it worked for me. I'm forever grateful, and I'm sorry for those who were put in a worse position because of it.

    Right on, man! Good for you.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. Were Bougaerts and McCann 7 day concussions? Because I know Hardy was unavailable for more than 6 games but never landed on the DL. I'd argue that you could add Reimold and Santana to the count.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. Hilariousness abounds. ESPN's poll results are in, clearly they're not what ESPN wanted or expected.

    First of all, the majority of the players are in favor of keeping the name: http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/11452022/nfl-nation-confidential-majority-players-support-washington-redskins-nickname

    Most (71%) fans are, too http://espn.go.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/11451964/redskins-poll-most-favor-keeping-name-dissent-growing

    But it looks like we're in a time where majority doesn't rule. Will be interesting to see what ESPN will do to ram-rod this thing home later on tonite at 8pm.

    This show is frustrating. From Bob Ley using the term Indians casually to Chris Mortensen saying that Dan Snyder fought with the DC government and moved them to Maryland, I can't watch anymore. Someone let me know if I'm missing something.

  4. On this date three years ago the Red Sox were in first place at 82-52, and didn't make the playoffs.

    Luck is not a factor

    Hope is not a strategy

    Fear is not an option

    -- James Cameron

    True, but they only had a half game lead that day, not eight.

  5. Oops, late night brain fart! I fixed it.

    Anyway, what strikes me is that the team has done a great job of avoiding protracted losing streaks. Hopefully tonight we can preserve our streak of not having lost two games in a row for 39 straight games. We did break a streak of winning 7 straight series openers (8 if you count the solo Washington game) last night.

    People will say we have no aces, but when you run out five solid starters all the time you minimize the losing streaks.

  6. We don't face Kluber again do we? Not that I'm afraid of him or anything like that. It just would be nice to face someone else.Not sure who the Yankees have after this but glad to see them stopped. Even more glad to see Toronto starting to fade too. Be nice if Seattle would sweep em here. They owe me for beating the Orioles at the game I went to for Chris Davis Action Figure night.

    I believe we will face Kluber. He pitched on Saturday. I don't think he'll pitch today in their double header as they've only played 1 game since his last start. I'd expect to see him Friday.

  7. A win tonight and we are atleast 8 up in the loss column with just 43 to play. The teams have a bit of a break from the top teams the next series. We got a tiough break with the rain out in Cleveland last night as it pushes Kluber back to start on Friday.

    I believe we were going to get Kluber anyway (bring him on!) He last pitched on Saturday making Thursday his natural start, but the have an off day on Thursday. Fortunately, the are supposed to play a doubleheader today. Hopefully the bullpen can burn out.

  8. The O's are in first place. Yes Davis is doing badly. So it doesn't really matter if he

    5th or 7th does it? Over all the team is winning. So why fix what ain't broke? IMO

    I would generally agree with this, but I'd like to get Manny more ABs. I like the idea of Machado 3rd, then sliding everyone down one spot.

  9. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>In 3 games off suspension, Machado is 9-for-17. Over last 11 games he is batting .404 with 4 homers and 8 RBIs.</p>— Steve Melewski (@masnSteve) <a href="
    ">July 8, 2014</a></blockquote>

    <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

    And the team is 3-0.

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