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Posts posted by backwardsk

  1. The young, slender blonde who cut my hair smelled kinda like a stripper. I find nothing wrong with that.

    Aaahh, the smell of broken dreams and strained daddy relationships.

  2. I could not be happier that the VT - JMU game is not televised. I could not handle watching this.

    I think they'll be a replay tonight and tomorrow night on Comcast.

  3. I'm in the middle of an utterly surreal e-mail exchange trying to set up a phone interview. You know, like this:

    A: Please contact me to set up an appointment.

    My reply: Would 4:00 on 9/2 work?

    A: Yes, 4:30 is fine.

    Me: :confused: OK, 4:30 is also good.

    A: Great, I will talk to you at 4:00.

    Me: :confused::cussing:

    Just call at 4:15. :D

  4. 14 hour workdays in 100+ degree heat (with no air movement). And' date=' even though I only have to work for a couple hours tomorrow, it's right in the middle of my evening. [b']Which means I can't do any of my Saturday drinking until later. Not a problem, except I had planned to start much earlier in the day.[/b]

    Work hours makin me mad!!!!! :cussing:

    Still don't really see the problem here. :D

  5. My daughter (first child) was born tonight. And I didn't pass out! Poor thing, cute little girl going through life with the name Eddie Murray Backwardsk.

    • Upvote 3
  6. Just finished The Ticket Out: Darryl Strawberry & the Boys of Crenshaw by Michael Sokolove.

    This was a fantastic book about what may have been the greatest high school baseball team ever.

    Was Chris Brown (Padres organization) on that team?

  7. Getting outside on my lunch break to get in an 8 miler! The weather is awesome and really made it great!!!

    I think I'd need all afternoon to do 8 miles.

    An hour and a half until I leave for Vegas!

  8. I started reading Perfect last night. I got through the prologue and two chapters. I really, really like it. It takes into account the other players that were involved in that game (Don Larsen's perfect Game 5 of the 1956 World Series) and provides interesting stories about them. For example, the starting pitcher for Brooklyn that day not only pitched in that game, but pitched in the "Shot Heard 'Round the World" game and the WS game where Mays made the over-the-shoulder catch.

  9. My friend lent me "Into The Wild" I've been meaning to read this for a while now and that is what I'm currently reading.

    Loved that book.

    I just finished All the Pretty Horses. It took me awhile to get through it, and it was a little frustrating because of my lack of Spanish. I read The Road, but I think I'm going to take a break from the Border Trilogy. Has anyone read Suttree, Outer Dark, or the Sunset Limited?

  10. And how about the check writers?!> Ugh! Who the hell writes checks anymore in stores, much less when you have 20 people behind you in line at the grocery register!

    The Dude writes checks for milk.

  11. Is it clear to people where your property line is? Maybe some sort of sign would help? I would guess some people let their dogs go on the trail (but hopefully off to the side) "because the trail is nature," or whatever.

    Oh, it's pretty clear. Our townhouse is an end unit. Our backyard goes out about 10 yards from the side of the house and it's fenced in. Our side yard goes from our house to the fence line. So even though the side yard is not fenced in, it's pretty clear that it's our property. But that doesn't stop the dogs from doing their business right in the middle or peeing on my wife's flower garden. We did put a sign on our fence with mixed results. My next step is to fling the poo into the street. :cussing:

  12. I hate people! Just truly, in general, I hate most people. Everyone out there thinks they THEY are the most important person in the world. F everybody else.

    I need to get where I'm going, so get out of my way!

    I am running the redlight, so YOU better be watching so I don't hit you.

    If I DO hit you, I am gonna kick your arse because you got in my way!

    Using profanity at restaurants with kids present at other tables.

    Not using turn signals, because, you know, it takes a whole lot of frickin energy to flick your finger!

    Not wiping their gym equipment after their reps, because, they obviously don't sweat like everyone else does!

    Like I said, in general, I just really don't like people!

    PS: I forgot to mention...blaming the dog for peeing in the house. How about looking in the mirror and realizing that YOU probably didn't take the poor lil guy out for like 9 straight hours! :)

    That reminds of an accident I was in a few years ago. I was going through a green light (I'm pretty sure you can do that) and this lady coming from the opposite direction was trying to turn left on a solid green. She didn't wait for me, as I had the right of way, and she clipped me. I pulled over and she took off onto the highway that she was turning on. I called the cops and reported the hit and run. The cop called me back later that night to tell me that the woman's husband reported the accident. I went to the police station a few weeks later to pick up the police report and the woman was there at the same time. She called me out when the clerk told her that we were both in the accident. She was pregnant and apoligized at first. I told that it was a good thing that I hit the breaks when I saw her coming and that she only clipped me. If I didn't hit the breaks, she would have T-boned me and I would have been cooked. She's standing there pregant and asks, "well, if you saw me turning, why didn't you stop." I said "good luck with the kid" and took off.

    • Upvote 1
  13. "The Given Day" by Denis Lehane. Long book and it's hardcover and I doubt I finish it before I go to Mexico for work in two weeks so I will be picking up.....

    "Blind Side" the Michael Oher story.

    Cool! I didn't know he had a new one out. I love his stuff. Looking forward to seeing Shutter Island later this year.

    Blind Side is good too.

  14. +1000

    While I'm at it, PEPCO must stand for Pyongyang Electricity People's Cooperative, because there's no other way to explain the inordinate number of random outages that occur for no apparent reason. Just had another 6+ hour outage. It's happening almost once a month now.

    From what I understand, PEPCO is really struggling and may end up getting bought out. I know that they are doing a lot of re-organization as a cost saving move.

  15. People who drive and text at the same time. They are a menace and should be thrown in jail for their jaw-droppingly stupid judgment. This idiot in a minivan nearly swerved into me on 270 yesterday and when I looked over he wasn't even looking at the road, just holding up his stupid Blackberry and tapping away! Also creeping along at about 45 mph, which creates an additional danger as impatient drivers behind him surge out to pass without warning. This was one of the few times when I felt tempted to roll down my passenger-side window and scream at him.

    Texting and driving, imo, is just as dangerous as driving drunk.

  16. On my way home, I saw a car being towed. Its plate read "GMEN NYY" and had two Yankees stickers and a Yankees plate frame. Made my day.

  17. I watched the game on MLB.TV. Among many, many stunning social gaffes tonight, he subtley put down the Nationals announcer by "asking" him if he ever pitched in the big leagues, which of course he had only pitched in the minor leagues. My jaw hit the ground - a new low (if that's possible) for Jim Palmer.

    And how many times did he say over and over again how he wished he was 22 again and could pitch like Zimmerman again.

    Jim Palmer is a narcissist - it's all about Jim Palmer. And if it ain't about Jim Palmer now, wait, it sure will be soon.

    He has absolutely no class whatsoever. If you listened to the O's broadcasts for years with Jim Hunter and Jim Palmer as announcers, you would think that Palmer was the only pitcher in the booth. Jim Hunter was every bit the pitcher Palmer was and has tons of class. I've never personally heard him subtley or otherwise bring praise upon himself by talking about his own career and people he played with and all this irrelevent stuff.

    Yeah. Jim Palmer has class. Just ask 'em.

    You do know that our Orioles play-by-play guy is not Jim "Catfish" Hunter, right?

    Well, that would be amazing, because, unfortunately Catfish went to a better place in 1999.

    Our Jim Hunter was inducted into his high school athletic HOF though :clap3:

    Eh, I guess I'm a tad late to the party.

  18. This week's SI has excerpts from a new book called Odd Man Out. It's about the minor league experience of Matt McCarthy, an Angels minor leaguer in the earlier part of this decade. Matt was drafted after graduating from Yale. He went on to Harvard Medical School when baseball didn't work out for him.

    The excerpts I read talked about a 19 year old kid from Idaho who could hit 100 mph, but had the perception of a violent past and alcoholism. He went on to close the 2005 World Series. It also touched on the divide of "Dominican" minor leaguers from the everybody else and pitchers on steriods.

    The parts in SI were good. I plan on picking up the book.

    • Upvote 1
  19. Some other books people haven't mentionen.

    Play Ball - John Feinstein. He profiles people at different positions, including Ripken. I think this is from before 2131, but I could be wrong.

    And God Said, "Play Ball" - Interesting book for those looking for deeper meaning from their sport.

    Confessions of a Baseball Purist - Jon Miller. He goes into his split with Angelos, among other things.

    Watching Baseball Smarter - Zack Hample. An author with a name for baseball. He tells us what to look for in every situation.

    If They Don't Win It's A Shame. How the Florida Marlins Bought the World Series. - Not a great book, mainly because the author doesn't like or understand baseball. But, because he doesn't understand he highlights a lot of unimportant stuff that gives you a better idea about what happens in the clubhouse.

    Thumbs up to that one.

    I also have a book on Jackie Robinson and the old Chicago Cubs days. I plan on reading them this spring. I'll let you all know what I think.

  20. Pretty sure you can opt out of that. I got an e-mail from the Mets, realized I must have left a box checked, and went back in and made it so they wouldn't send me anything.

    I'm afraid to open the email. It may bring a virus or something.

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