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Everything posted by Malike

  1. DJ is actually tearing it up since they brought him up. .970 OPS or so.
  2. They are testing it now. It'll be happening relatively soon.
  3. Wells' current status might explain why they picked Lopez up.
  4. I mean, its a valid question when you've cited where you've gotten your information half a dozen times and someone says, where did you get your information, so I'll stand by it.
  5. Been saying for years they should demote guys to the minor leagues if they aren't good enough in the ML's. They do it to players.
  6. They'll get there someday, but fans and players/managers have known since the 1800's that umps make bad calls, often a lot of them.
  7. Telling someone they are basing an argument off of what they read on the internet when you literally started this entire conversation by posting an article from the internet, go back to page 62, and read it, is fricken hilarious. Perfect Game, you know, the people who use real data instead of things like the eye test had Holliday in the 85th percentile of arm strength two years ago, I'm sure it's gotten so much worse since he was 17. His max exit velo was 89 in 2021 while throwing. Yes, that screams he's got a noodle arm. You're acting like he has Westburg's arm. In any event, keep on scouting those HS kids, I'm sure you'll do a great job as an evaluator. Bye for now.
  8. Can you not read? BA, MLB.com, The Athletic, even Fangraphs think he's going to be fine as a shortstop. Because some guy said RIGHT NOW at 19, he's not defensively ready means nothing to anyone but you, apparently. I mean, you say people are trolling when you are literally doing just that. I've never attacked you personally, I've said your qualifications are your own opinion, that's not an insult, it's the truth. You are the one trolling with ban bets and kissing emojis like you are 12 years old. Grow up.
  9. This is the thing though. Nobody cares what YOUR eyes tell you. We all know the eye test is silly. I'm not 13 and I'm not making ban bets with a guy who thinks because he's seen 30 games he's a scout. Stop making ridiculous proclamations, for your sake and for ours.
  10. You saying he has a lack of arm strength does not make it true. Nobody is grading his arm as below average, but you. The article you posted by Fangraphs never mentioned arm strength, perhaps you think by Logenhagen saying that he's taking extra steps before his throw means lack of arm, but it doesn't. At the very end, Logenhagen said he'd be fine, just RIGHT NOW, the bat is above the defense, it's not uncommon that one tool grades out earlier than the other with a 19-year-old. You keep saying his arm is bad, though. The eye test, ah, makes more sense now.
  11. Logenhagen himself said he believes he will be fine, right now his bat is ahead of his defense.
  12. Right, we're on the same page here, the contention that Holliday lacks the arm and the ability to play above-average shortstop is a guaranteed no is a ridiculous statement, remains.
  13. It could be as simple as his new pitching coaches getting him away from what the guys here helped him to develop. Every team has their own approach, they might think they can get him back to helping them down the stretch.
  14. The scouting community? I've never seen anyone rate him as average in any of the 5 tool areas. The point of the post that you quoted is exactly what you said in a later post, these numbers change. To guarantee that Holliday will not be a very good shortstop and he lacks the arm to play there, like someone has guaranteed is ridiculous. He's 19 years old and only going to get better at all facets of his game. He has plenty of arm to play SS and his defensive profiles I've read from BA, MLB.com, The Athletic, and the random article here or there all suggest he's above average right now at 19. I haven't seen a single grade 50 or below on any of his tools.
  15. If we're going off scout grades, Holliday grades out a 70 overall. That usually doesn't suggest a ploddingly slow baserunner or iron glove defender. We'll see. To suggest Holliday isn't athletic or fast is seriously pretty funny, though.
  16. But, but, the scouting community has rated Holliday a 55 fielder vs. a 50 for Gunnar. This is some metaverse-type crap, I guess, where lower is better? Or, maybe the scouts are only infallible when it proves someone's point?
  17. How are we determining this? By what some guy wrote about him in an article a few pages back? In case anyone forgot, Gunnar was rated as a 50 fielder, even last season, when he was a prospect. Holliday is rated as a 55 fielder right now. They are both rated the same speed and Gunnar has a 65 arm vs. the more than adequate 55 that Holliday is rated at. We have to believe these people, right? It's what they do for a living, as was suggested earlier.
  18. Dodgers ass slapped the Dbacks, they must be feeling good about themselves right now.
  19. Hopefully, Ramon can keep the inning going. He hasn't hit a homer since like March.
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