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Everything posted by Malike

  1. Westburg is our best sac fly guy. He's amazing at hitting the ball in the air to the outfield.
  2. I've always been neutral on McKenna. I've never had a problem when he's been brought up to the team or sent back down. He's quite useful and has shown that over past couple of seasons he can be a good utility guy off the bench. He brings solid D and good speed and he hits a little. Some of our A list guys in the minors are likely to have a similar career trajectory, they aren't going to hit on all of them.
  3. I'd rather play the Jays than the Mariners in the playoffs.
  4. I was yeah, and like the smart fella I am I read the post you quoted and replied to your post
  5. Tampa has a tall order ahead for the next month, if they win the division, they've earned it after September. They are facing great pitching and some of the best offenses in MLB next month.
  6. I dunno, a few people said earlier in the thread this team isn't as good as their record, smoke and mirrors, man. Smoke and mirrors.
  7. He did get his chance and did what he does best, warning track tease.
  8. So you're saying if he weren't in the game, we'd be losing?
  9. I've seen that movie so often I know all the words.
  10. Westburg is about to tantalize us with a bomb to the warning track.
  11. People have a hard time differentiating between venting and schtick. When 70 of your 85 posts are - We're going to get swept, this team is garbage, etc., that's not venting. You'd think most reasonable people would understand that, but apparently, I give too much credit to thinking most people are reasonable.
  12. I don't indulge. It would be....frowned upon in my profession lol.
  13. Gunnar and Adley, rally killers. At least Frazier stepped up!
  14. It's only fair. When he doesn't come through there is no shortage of people posting that the situation wasn't high leverage enough for him to do something. When he comes through, like he has a lot, he should get praise.
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