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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Just because of the roster construction, you got to go with a pitcher. Because of my age, I'd choose peak Mussina.
  2. I actually took note of his high RBIs yesterday during the game. I hypothesized it was due to the unusually strong performance, particularly on base wise, of guys typically hitting towards the bottom of the lineup- Mateo, Frazier, Henderson. But those numbers spell it out pretty clear. That's pretty crazy and impressive.
  3. I'm not here to assess "consistent value." I'm here assessing performance. Everything I have said is unassailable. Adam Frazier has been our second most valuable and our most consistent infielder this season. You can entertain all the hypotheticals you want to obfuscate from that fact.
  4. You still fail to address my last point, which is the most significant in favor of Frazier. Even if Westburg makes the team better, he should be taking ABs away from Henderson, Mountcastle, and maybe Mateo.
  5. I think there's a role for one of either Ortiz or Westburg as the team stands now. People I would take ABs from: Mountcastle; Henderson; and Mateo That's where one of those guys should see some ABs.
  6. So it's silly to believe that Frazier has been our second most valuable and most consistent infielder?
  7. Well, yeah, the bullpen has been a hell of a lot more important than Frazier. There's no reason Westburg, or Ortiz, because frankly he's going to get the at-bats first, shouldn't be taking them away from Henderson, and from Mountcastle- though that doesn't mean in Ortiz' case, but it could/should in in Westburg's. And I'll say this: I didn't agree with the Frazier signing, like virtually everybody here. I was simply willing to look at it objectively and say, "You know, they probably had a reason for doing this." Well, now we're all seeing the reason.
  8. Well, then if it's inapplicable, why bring it up in the first place? RISP numbers have widely been shown to be pure statistical noise. Furthermore, you're talking about a sample of like what? 25 at bats? Frazier has been our second most valuable and most consistent infielder. And we are the second best team in baseball. That's my argument. Not only do I have one, I have an unassailable one.
  9. If you have to resort to RISP numbers, I have to say you don't have a very strong argument.
  10. Even if Westburg can outperform Frazier, he should be taking ABs from Henderson and Mountcastle. Because guess what? They can't.
  11. Yeah, but the burden of proof isn't on my position. Frazier's already here and performing well. Westburg is hypothetically able to do that. And there's plenty of evidence to suggest it wouldn't be seamless at least. Furthermore, that still isn't an argument against Frazier, because Frazier has been our second best and most consistent infielder this year. If Westburg is up here taking anybody's playing time it should probably be Henderson's and Mountcastle's tbh. This team is better because Frazier is on it. Simple as.
  12. No, I have something concrete supporting my position. Frazier has been our second most valuable infielder. And with Mateo's trajectory, probably soon to be our most.
  13. He's out hit him. Henderson's BWAR is slightly higher. 0.2 vs 0.1
  14. Nobody is giving up on Henderson. Not me at least. But it's simply a fact to say that Frazier has outperformed him this year.
  15. Just to be clear, you don't have anything supporting this position but your feels. You have a right to that position, but others have a right to point out it isn't based anything solid. Here's what we do know: Frazier has been our second best infielder this year. He's outperformed everyone except Mateo, and he'll soon catch him if Mateo doesn't start hitting.
  16. But it's likely that Westburg isn't as good as Frazier. Henderson isn't.
  17. I did. Everybody can take a breath.
  18. I'll edit that. I mean Urias. I keep calling Urias Ortiz. Sometimes I catch myself. Sometimes I don't.
  19. He only played two innings today. But that was enough time to do something stupid.
  20. You know, that theory is already proving to be less and less true as well. He's out OPSing not only Mountcastle, but Gunnar as well. Urias is hurt, again. He's certainly providing value to this team that they couldn't just snap their fingers and easily replace.
  21. Adam Frazier has a higher OPS than Ryan Mountcastle.
  22. I thought it was a terrible at bat. Hit the ball on the ground the right side. Not an impossible task.
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