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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. As always, thanks for the leg work. I don't think we should be surprised if we see some guys hit well and some guys not hit well in a group with a small enough sample size. Guys are always going to be hot and cold in ways that don't fully reflect their underlying abilities. I'll say that I don't know how exactly to weigh it into the equation, but the fact is those guys are the most successful players in their sample, and a full third of them took multiple years to even get to such a low number of at-bats, suggesting in and of itself a certain adjustment period.
  2. Dude probably read his offseason thread and is just silently seething at the fanbase. LOL. Oh, you want an interview? Yeah, I got an interview for you.
  3. You know I like Odor. If he were brought back as part of the org as a coach or something, I'd love that. He's not Willie Calhoun.
  4. Arguments for Westburg or Ortiz I fully understand. I don't always agree with everything those people might presume, but I fully understand them. And sympathize with them frankly. Arguments for bringing back Odor leave me stupefied.
  5. I understand what you think. Me and you are pretty much on the same page, and have been the whole time, regarding the Frazier saga. What I can't understand is wanting to see Odor in a O's uniform again. I literally can't fathom it.
  6. Well you have to factor in that Odor actually provided negative value last year. Adam Frazier's contract is not stopping this team from doing anything financially.
  7. Anybody who pines for Odor because Frazier is costing the Angelos family just a little too much..... I honestly just can't wrap my mind around that.
  8. There's absolutely no way in hell he went from one 91 percentile to 2 percentile. Didn't happen. This is why people should be a lot more skeptical about the "stats" particularly defensive ones.
  9. The bolded is insanity. Truly.
  10. I have a crazy idea. Maybe the billionaire owner of the team could build his own stadium.
  11. Has Mountcastle even played? Is he healthy? Last I heard he was dealing with dizziness, which, frankly, is a bit scary to hear. So first his health his, both long and short term, needs to be determined. As far as his trade value goes, I upvoted Frobby and Sportsguy because they said it the best imo: He's got more value than people are giving him credit for, but no it isn't major value. But probably more importantly, you'd be trading him at his absolute lowest value. I'm willing to try to get him healthy, see if there wasn't some underlying cause to his performance this year, and give a chance to rebuild his value and playing time. At the very least, there's a role for him on this team vs LHP.
  12. That's a separate argument: Super 2 vs. the extra year. Super 2 at least has a leg to stand on, but I really don't think it's much of the equation at all.
  13. I agree. If it was just about the extra year, then Frazier never would have been signed and one of those guys would have been up on 4/16.
  14. Am I missing something? The calculation for "getting another year" hasn't changed since 4/16. So that has no impact on decisions being made in June and July.
  15. That hasn't been a consideration since 4/16.
  16. Well, attendance is up about 25% this year, and Frazier was the big free agent signing of the offseason, so makes sense.
  17. Twilight Ball was my nickname in high school.
  18. No, that Saudi has probably been thrown in prison. Getting publicly drunk isn't a good idea.
  19. But to bring this back to baseball, I can't stand that fat turd Alejandro Kirk either. Just can't stand the sight of him.
  20. I was once on a flight from Bahrain to Paris and I was seated next to someone who weighed an easy 400 LBs. I went and spoke to the flight crew, without saying anything too directly, and asked if I could move seats, but was told the plane was completely full and that it was impossible. Luckily, before we took off, some Saudi got belligerently drunk and was removed, so I was able to have his seat. Obviously I was joking about separating fat people from the general population, but buying two seats on an airplane should be a requirement for anyone who can't fit within the two arm rests. Just like they're measuring bags before flights, they should be measuring people's fat asses.
  21. I'm just making a joke. But, honestly, the new trend of celebrating obesity is unhealthy and destructive, much like other new trends of celebrating other kinds of unhealthy and destructive lifestyles.
  22. I'm tired of walking on eggshells: Fat people are gross and should be separated from the general population, particularly when eating.
  23. The bolded seems to be true imo. And that's what really counts. Upgrading the roster. He's also a switch-hitter so he provides more flexibility. The myopic OH freakout, followed by the slow realization that the acquisition makes at least some sense, is an oldie but goodie.
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