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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. I don't think there is going to become a negative correaltion between payroll and wins or anything, but as we saw in the wake of the Steroid Era, money became less valuable as the game skewed younger. I believe a similar process will occur with the game skewing towards speed, and thus youth, currently.
  2. You worded it kind of strange but I understand you meant what you're saying here and why you were saying it. I'm just giving you a hard time.
  3. I know we're moving on, and so be it, but I saw that on twitter and wanted to comment. Thank you for standing up for Tony and the Oh. But could you have done it without referring to yourself as the "highest profile poster" from the OH?
  4. White Leftist Academics.
  5. I'd rather give 500 ABs to Frazier than 5 to Willie Calhoun. It's that simple.
  6. It had occured to me that I was setting myself up for him to have a monster game. If he sticks with the Yankees long enough to have a good game against the Orioles, I am going to be incandescent.
  7. I can't imagine it was that. He was a decent prospect 7 years ago or so, but he's got a long track record of ML failure. But I'd love to go back in time and ask one of those scouts who like him where exactly did they see this fat, little Ewok with the arm of a 12 year old girl playing on a major league diamond?
  8. Good to see Mateo starting. Would like to get some eyes on him.
  9. Outside of one magical year, he's never slugged over .381. He literally doesn't have a single major league tool. He's 5'5" and 225 lbs. He can't run. He can't throw. He can't field. He can't hit- career average .238. He doesn't walk. Career OBP .297. He can't hit for power- again outside of three magical months in 2019 in Arlington. The fact that he spent 7 seasons in the major leagues is beyond reason. The fact that he's hitting 5th for the Yankees and DHing is incomprehensible. Those guys you listed for one were all much better athletes than Willie Calhoun. Puckett was a GG CF. Gwynn was drafted by the NBA. Vaughn had tremendous power, and Panda a supernatural hit tool. They all belonged in ML baseball. Willie doesn't. And he only got this much run because Jon Daniels makes Dan Duquette look like Branch Rickey. As someone who watches a lot of Rangers baseball, this is personal for me.
  10. I almost have a personal loathing for him! LOL. I'm too old for that but I can't help myself. He's not a major league baseball player. That he's spent parts of 7 seasons in the major leagues is offensive to me as a baseball fan.
  11. I think this is a big part of it.
  12. You know there's a lot of angst on this board at times. About lineups. About who is up- Vavra- who is getting playing time- Frazier- who is batting where in the lineup- Mountcastle. I get it. We're fans, and as such we're both myopically focused on the Orioles and we're prone to see the negatives, or at least be more vocal about them. Maybe this doesn't belong on this board, but I got some good news I want to share with the main board. The New York Yankees, with their 260 million dollar payroll have Willie Calhoun, of the career -2.6 WAR, the career 83 OPS+, with the physique of an Ewok, in their lineup today, batting 5th!, in the DH slot! We're going to the playoffs this year.
  13. Brown called it a splitter but it was a slider. I'm sure of it. Bautista then threw a good splitter, and Palmer said there's "two" good ones in a row. I'm not sure he directly called the first pitch a splitter. And he did, he was wrong.
  14. That's going to continue to be a problem.
  15. Just came here because Palmer just took a dump on the whole gambling thing.
  16. What if he was a complusive gambler and lost millions? Still think he couldn't be swung?
  17. This team and franchise is too healthy and deep for such things.
  18. Well, let's hope it's not that severe.
  19. How do you know? I actually am a Doctor! Just not a medical one. Let's hope it's minor and he doesn't have to go on the IL.
  20. What muscle is in your hip? Isn't that more of a labrum?
  21. Yeah he was just running down the first base line. Only made it like 3-4 steps, winced and pulled up, and was out of the game. I initially thought groin or hamstring. Non-contact injuries scare me.
  22. If we're going to speculate about the injury, I guess I'll give my two cents. I think a non-contact hip injury is not good news. Non-contact injuries tend to be at least fairly serious.
  23. I don't know what to "expect." I look at Means as found money.. Whatever he provides this year is a bonus.
  24. He'll have a lengthy rehab process, and it will pitch at multiple affiliates during it.
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