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Posts posted by emmett16

  1. I think Jackson has looked terrific.  Am I'm not talking about results, but his approach and his body language.  The kid has struggled mightily, and you wouldn't know it by looking at him.  Thats one this that I find super impressive with Jackson, he's so damn professional and even keeled, especially for a 20 y/o.  You can't tell if he just hit a HR or if he struck out.  I think his approach has been great 1 - he's being aggressive and getting "A" swings off early in the count often, even if he isn't pounding the ball yet 2- he's not expanding the zone and changing his approach based on his poor results.  Thats darn impressive for someone in the spotlight struggling.  He's been getting pitched to like its game 7 of the WS, he's been getting some really bad calls, and he just keeps chugging along.  He's started to make hard contact in the last couple of games.  It's just a matter of time before he gets hot.  I've been incredibly impressed in his performance to date.  

    • Upvote 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    Hopefully that gets him going. He’s off to a tough start. Of course, he also lost some time in ST, so he didn’t get the same offseason/spring training he normally gets. Perhaps a slow start should have been expected.

    He played at first base tonight too.

    Dropped a foul ball for an error. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Bemorewins said:

    Holliday and Henderson back to back? Wouldn’t that make it easy for an opponent to play matchup late in games? Wouldn’t it make more sense to go Holliday, Rutchsman, and then Henderson?

    Not sure that’s quite so important now that a RP has to pitch to 3 batters.  With 2 outs in 9th I’d rather have Gunnar up than Adley regardless of pitcher. 

  4. K/9 rising while BB/9 lowering all while being fairly pitch efficient is very encouraging.  I think he’s finished with his “work on stuff” phase and has moved on to “how to get batters out” phase.  

    • Upvote 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    Great. We must have a failure to communicate.  Three times I asked a “yes” or “no” question the other day.   You still haven’t answered.

    1. Pop up.  Infielder goes back into the outfield and calls for the ball.   The outfielder is running in for the ball, sees the infielder call for the ball AND is not sure he can get there.  Should the outfielder call off the infielder?   It’s a simple question with a simple answer.   You keep bringing up different things without answering the question.     Go check the other thread.  I asked it three separate times.  No DIRECT answer to that question.

    The OF should assume at all times the IF will not make the play and put himself in a position to make the play.  Once the OF realizes the IF will not make the play the OF should call off the IF.  

  6. 2 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    So you’re saying Mullins called for the ball way before he got into his slide and called Henderson off the ball?   I’ll take a look when I can.

    Gunnar called it immediately.  Mullins came sprinting in at full effort anyway.  Gunnar lunged and missed it and Mullins slid in under and made the play.  He knew it was a tough play for Gunnar and put himself in position to make the play.  

  7. 3 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    Same exact play?  Sure.  Whatever.  I enjoy most of your posts and I’ll leave the rest unsaid.    The play the other day was discussed the other day.  This is not the SAME play and I haven’t even seen it.   I’ll watch the play in question when I can.

    Don’t know why you are taking offense.  No offense intended.  A shallow pop over IF’s head happened in first inning.  Gunnar called it immediately.  Mullins came sprinting in the entire time.  Gunnar missed it and Mullins slid in at last second and made the play.  I pointed it out because it is the exact thing I’d expect an OF to do in that situation and it reminded me of the play two days ago in question.  Would Mullins have made the play two days ago? Maybe not.  But he never put himself in the position to potentially make it.  Tonight he did and he did.  I wonder if he played the ball better tonight because of his mental lapse earlier on the week? 

    • Upvote 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Moose Milligan said:

    I hope Joey Ortiz has a great career. 

    Me too.  Easy guy to pull for.  Everytime I watched him on Norfolk he made a play that made my jaw drop.  And I was always blown away by his power since he was always labeled as a glove first guy.  The dude can rake.  Painful but necessary to trade him. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, EddeeEddee said:

    I'm sick of the mlb overhype machine.  Just let the young guys come up without all the unnecessary fanfare and pressure.  There must have been 10 articles on mlb two days ago when Holliday debuted.  

    His debut was the second most watched MLB Network weekday game. (Or something like that).  MLB needs to market their talent as much as they possibly can. 

    • Upvote 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    Didn’t see whatever play you’re talking about but not interested in a different play two days later.    Mullins didn’t have time to be there if needed.  He would have had to go full speed into a possible collision with his 2B who called it, seemingly had it, and the didn’t.   Again, didn’t see the play in question but it sounds different to me.   Frankly, you evaded the question 3 times and now days later have an answer using a different play as an example.   Sounds sketchy but I’ll look for the play on the condensed or rewind if it’s available.

    Same play, but this time he did go full speed…and made the catch when the IF botched it.  As you are supposed to.  

    And I did answer.  You just don’t like my answer.   Todays play was a perfect example of what an OF should do on a pop up to shallow OF that an IF calls for.  

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