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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. It is almost as if something changed recently...
  2. I know you won't provide any evidence to support this assertion but maybe you could ask someone else to? I'd be really interested since I've never seen any evidence that is how things work.
  3. That you don't bother to provide evidence? I think we can all agree on that one.
  4. What cities have MLB stadiums and no casinos or strip joins?
  5. Sorry, right. You don't bother to provide evidence. Your brain must be going too fast.
  6. He also had to deal with playing at three levels last year. Learning new towns, coaches and teammates. Not an environment to help someone excel.
  7. I do not think the plan included having the 2021 team win 90. I don't think most of the highly regarded prospects will be playing in Baltimore next year. If they get to 90 with AR, Hall, Rodriguez and Kjerstad in the minors then I'll be a believer.
  8. I think we didn't see near enough to make an informed opinion. It would have been nice if he raked tho.
  9. He's done nothing in the minors this year.
  10. They've moved him off third base as well. Miguel Cabrera was still at third through his age 30 season.
  11. He looked pretty pedestrian last fall and this spring, I'd hate to sell low on him.
  12. I don't think his current ERA is going to be part of the discussion. I'm not advocating they move him, just saying you could get a good prospect.
  13. With his newfound velocity I think Means would.
  14. If I'm not "caught up in my thinking" then my thinking must be slow right? At least compared to yourself. Nice job not providing the evidence I requested.
  15. That's slow thinker talk. Obviously we can't process information as quickly.
  16. You calling me a slow thinker? Care to show this slow thinker what sustainable changes in peripherals makes a fast thinker like you sure these gains are permanent?
  17. What does that mean? What's the cost of Wildcard's optimism? Also, I don't think what I said constituted being negative. That's an honest appraisal of the team. Not much of what we are seeing looks sustainable.
  18. If they are willing to spend the money. The ability is there and they wouldn't have to give up a draft pick.
  19. For the O's or a hypothetical contender with payroll room?
  20. I was only trying to explain a factor as to why it has improved overall, not as to why the ranking has improved.
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