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wildcard last won the day on November 1 2023

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  1. I enjoyed the game threads when Scott was leading them. But not much since. Miss you Buddy.
  2. Elias does not seem impressed with Held's stuff or he would have promoted him to Norfolk. I don't think they protect him from the Rule 5 draft and I think he will be drafted by some other team.
  3. Most singles and walks that Burnes allows are doubles because he can't hold runners. Its madding. Truth told I don't want him back.
  4. With Mateo possibility out for the playoffs the O's team speed has taken a hit. Wall offers that speed. Because Wall has options Elias does not have to make a decision now on whether Wall makes the playoff roster. But acquiring him before Sept 1 he is available for the playoffs. Pache did not have the options to allow him to go to AAA without going through waivers. He is a better base stealer than Daniel Johnson, Haskin, Slater. Has more range than any of these outfielders. The acquisition of Bowman, Anderson and Kriske pushed Tate down the reliever depth chart. Tate should get claimed on waivers.
  5. Its an interesting thought. Elias has spent 15m on Burnes betting that Burnes will allow the O's to get deep into the playoffs. Plus 13m on Kimbrel. At the deadline he added 7m to that for the two month salaries of Eflin, Rogers, Dominguez, Soto, Slater and Jimenez. Plus he is probably committing 26m of next year's budget to retain Eflin and Dominguez. And there was the prospect capital of Ortiz, Hall, Norby, Stowers, Baumeister, Etzel, Horvath and Johnson all used to try to go deep in the playoffs this season. That is a pretty steep commitment betting on the outcome of the playoffs. So if Mateo were to be unavailable for the playoffs is it really that far of a reach to say Elias would burn two options on Bradfield early to improve the O's chances to win in the playoffs?
  6. Holliday should and probably will stay up because the goal of the team is to go deep into the playoffs and he gives the best chance for that to happen. Urias is an alternative at 2nd base. Mayo or Rivera can play 3B depending of whether the team wants offense or defense. Westburg will play 3B when he returns. However I believe Holliday stays up because he offers the best chance to win.
  7. At first that will depend on how he hits lefties. Over time he will hit everyday.
  8. It always kind of weird when the 3rd option is used. A player can be called up to the majors and optioned 5 times in a season. Some sites show 1 option and some show 0 after the 3rd option is exercised. It's pretty clear in the transactions that the Reds optioned him on June 17th. If he was optioned once he can be option 4 more times this season. 3 now that the O's optioned him.
  9. There is a spot for Mateo on the 2025 team If he is healthy. He currently has a 799 OPS vs lefties. Will Holliday hit lefties? Whether he stays on the roster probably depends on how much time he is projected to miss with the injury.
  10. Kriske's third option has been used in 2024. He is now on a major league contract and added to the 40 man roster. He has been optioned to AAA.
  11. I don't think Elias would expect Kjerstad to replace Santander's offensive performance. Maybe Kjerstad playing a average RF defensively and having a decent offensive year. The replacement of Santander's offense would come from the combined improved performance from Cowser, Holliday, Westburg and Mayo. I could see Kjerstad being Plan A in RF and O'Hearn being Plan B. Mayo moving to 1B/DH along with Mounty.
  12. The way Suarez has pitched he is not a #5. Performance wise he has pitched better than anyone but Eflin (since Eflin joined the O's). Of course GRod has a higher ceiling. I think Povich, Rogers and McDermott fight for the #5 spot next year according to the information we have so far.
  13. I am not sure that Irvin makes it through Sept on the 26 man roster. If GRod, Eflin, Webb and Coulombe come back Elias will need to move some pitchers off the roster. Since Irvin has no options left he will be DFA'd if they need his spot. So he may not project into next year.
  14. I think Elias did his off season shopping at the deadline. He spend 18m on Eflin and 8m on Dominguez. This month will probably tell us whether they think they can fix Soto but my guess now is they bring him back. Slater looks like a fit for the 4th OFer as a FA. I think Elias spends the off season acquiring depth mostly at AAA. Guys with options.
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