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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Even worse possibility, Nix has evidently filed a grievance. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Scary Astros possibility: If Nix wins grievance to pay agreed-upon $1.5M, Houston 17% over bonus pool, would forfeit next two 1st-rd picks.</p>— Jeff Passan (@JeffPassan) <a href=" ">July 18, 2014</a></blockquote><script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> I would rather throw 5 million down a hole in the ground then give up 2 first round picks.
  2. That hurts but not anything close to the meltdown the Astros had. Their plan with the #1's has been to agree to an underslot deal then pick up more talent down the line. They forfeited the whole first slot when they didn't sign Aiken. Throw in Appel's struggles...
  3. In not signing Aiken the Astros also failed to sign Nix and Marshall. If they had signed Nix they would have been over cap to the extent that they would have forfeited TWO first round picks. Safe to say this draft was a disaster for the Astros.
  4. So KLaw has Appel at #33 on his list and Hader didn't make his top 50. I am curious who, other then you, are going to rate Hader over Appel at the half way mark?
  5. http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/casey-close-calls-foul-on-astros-and-mlb-in-negotiations-with-no-1-draft-pick-brady-aiken-071414
  6. If they win 95 they are going to be ahead of Detroit.
  7. Yea, it is starting to look like this team should be considered the favorite here on out. That worries me for some reason. Waiting on that second shoe...
  8. A write up on Nolan from the Toronto perspective. http://www.thestar.com/sports/bluejays/2014/07/07/blue_jays_gamble_on_nolan_reimolds_road_to_recovery_griffin.html
  9. Breaking his neck didn't result in sporadic playing time. Where would you even get that from? He was the starter (and leader in RC+) the year he broke his neck.
  10. Depends on what Young is doing.
  11. I don't. He had, shall we say, other issues going on at the time.
  12. If only the O's carried a right handed bat on the bench...
  13. With the recent injuries on offense you don't think the Jays are tickled pink that Nolan fell into their laps for 500K?
  14. Bet they are sure happy they spent that 500K. 364/417/636/1053 Higher rWAR then Schoop or Flaherty already.
  15. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2121883-brady-aikens-injury-doesnt-ruin-pitchers-huge-upside
  16. Any idea if they have targets left that they could even allocate the money to this late in the process?
  17. Sure. Unless by some odd twist of fate they signed him and THEN he showed up hurt to his first MiLB assignment. Of course that would never happen. :scratchchinhmm: Worse case scenario he doesn't sign and they get 1:2 next year.
  18. Delmon Young went 1-1, so did Tim Beckham, and Matt Bush. Donavan Tate went 1-3, Bubba Starling went 1-5.
  19. I don't know if you can say screwed up. It is not as if they could conduct a full medical before drafting the kid.
  20. Why would you sac bunt when you had the lead?
  21. I am just glad he turned down the O's multi-year deal.
  22. That can't be easy to do, even if he inherited runners.
  23. Still got a feeling the O's get more out of Connaughton then they do Brian Gonzalez.
  24. O's knock Saunders off the Rangers' roster. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Per <a href="https://twitter.com/JeffWilson_FWST">@JeffWilson_FWST</a>, the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Rangers?src=hash">#Rangers</a> have DFAd Joe Saunders. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Orioles?src=hash">#Orioles</a> hit 4 HRs off him yesterday.</p>— Eduardo A. Encina (@EddieInTheYard) <a href=" ">July 1, 2014</a></blockquote><script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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