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Posts posted by Orioles4Life21

  1. 1 hour ago, seak05 said:

    I'm saying no, but more because of the 40 man issue, and that I don't think Elias is planning to push for the playoffs this year. I think he's on the OD roster next year, so the service time issue is moot (as long as they wait until after mid-august). That said, if the club is still in the thick of it on Sept 1, I wouldn't be totally surprised if it happened. 

    I also think Henderson probably wouldn't make as much of a difference to this years team as some of you probably hope. Counting on a prospect offensively off the bat tends to lead to disappointment, and Urias is playing a good def 3b (and I'm not sure how good he'll be at 2b)

    Machado made quite a difference in 2012. I think subbing Henderson into the lineup for Odor would make a big difference

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  2. Next thing I’d like to see from Adley is some success vs lefties. He’s over .900 Ops against righties but .500 against lefties. Which is interesting considering last year in the minors he was over 1.000 against lefties and in the .800s I believe against righties 

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  3. Ratified my first deal a few days ago. There are some obstacles in the way of bringing this deal to closing but I’m hoping we can make it work.

    Also ratifying a second one today that I feel much better about! 

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  4. 2 hours ago, GoldGlove21 said:

    I don't understand the feeling from Jackson/s perspective to need to comment on Pollard's remarks. Pollard was never on Jackson's level of ability or stardom. Jackson is an MVP and Pollard is a guy that most people would go "Oh, I remember that guy now".

    Pollard made some huge plays for us. He was a hard hitter. Just ask Steven Ridley. 

    But yea I agree.

  5. 14 minutes ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

    It's a parody account, so no. Or at least I thought it was one, when I saw tweets in the past from that account on Twitter. 

    Also, I read your message without reading the message above yours and I got very confused for a few seconds. 

    Apparently this account has been right about things before 

  6. I’m a licensed agent in Virginia as of a couple months ago. Figured I’d start a thread and see if we got any fellow agents/realtors here that want to talk shop or offer up any advice for a newbie such as myself. Kinda feels like I’m a couple years late with the market slowing down now lol.

  7. 1 hour ago, LA2 said:

    I loved the 2005 remake of Bad News Bears even more than the original, especially because of Sammi Kane Kraft's performance as the team-saving tomboy pitcher. It was such a shock to find out years later that she had passed away at the age of 20.

    I think the original was much better but I did enjoy Billy Bob Thornton as Buttermaker 

  8. On 7/12/2022 at 11:26 PM, Orioles4Life21 said:

    We have actually tied the 1927 Yankees’ longest winning streak of 9. So win tomorrow and we are officially the better team.

    Officially a better team than the 1927 Yankees

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  9. I’m updating my prediction from 63-99 before the season started to 76-86. So no I don’t believe we will sustain this level of performance but I hope I’m wrong and am enjoying the ride! 

  10. On 7/10/2022 at 8:07 PM, Orioles4Life21 said:

    Starting lineup for the last time we won our 8th straight game










    Tejada went 4-4 with a homer and Mora went 2 for 4 with 2. Bruce Chen gave up 3 over 6 and BJ Ryan picked up the save. https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/BAL/BAL200505010.shtml

    Starting lineup the last time we won our 9th game in a row 










    Charles Johnson went 4-4, Belle homered, Cal was 3-4 and Bordy was 2-5 with 3 ribbies. Erickson got the win giving up 2 over 6.2 and Mike Timlin picked up the save.



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