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Everything posted by tntoriole

  1. If I can pick one … I would go get at least two bullpen guys … as strong as I could get even with an overpay The bats will be fine and reinforcements of Westburg Cowser, etc We are not getting a top flight starter period
  2. Man I wish they would get rid of this stupid useless exercise that mainly gets players either hurt or off kilter in their swing. And Adley does not belong and I wish he was not in it
  3. John Means looking good at game today
  4. Mateo is one useless offensive player… he needs to take 3 weeks of intensive instruction in whatever it takes to learn how to bunt .. their third baseman was on the grass
  5. This team is putting on as bad of an offense performance as any of our 50 win editions.. horrific at bats
  6. watching Gray pitch lol .. good grief we look like people picked at random from the stands..
  7. We have a 0.27 percent win chance per my patented Hopelessness Scale
  8. Gray is so much better than Irvin it is a complete joke
  9. Fading fast ..4 in a row, just like the bad days.. whatever part of the game we need to have not perform in order to lose happens If we score 6 we give up 7 If we give up 1 we score zero Yankees right on us .. it won’t be a week at this rate They need to change something.. anything
  10. We really risk having a major collapse in July without some outside reinforcements. And that would be a real shame.
  11. Elias has been exactly the same as any other Oriole GM in the last 25 years thus far in his tenure in the specific arena of trades .. small and non risk taking and unimaginative and always mostly dictated by the economics of Angelos et al. I have patiently waited, supporting and understanding the rebuild process and have been beyond happy with this season to date.. but if he does not go bolder this month, no matter the rationale.. I will not be supportive of that decision
  12. Elias has been exactly the same as any other Oriole GM in the last 25 years thus far in his tenure in the specific arena of trades .. small and non risk taking and unimaginative and always mostly dictated by the economics of Angelos et al. I have patiently waited, supporting and understanding the rebuild process .. but if he does not go bold this month, no matter the rationale.. I will not be supportive of that.
  13. He could have ..but would have had a stroke and died. They once asked Ty Cobb late in his life what he thought he would hit against today’s pitchers. The alltime great said “Oh probably .270” The interviewer said “I am surprised you would think it would be that low.” To which Ty repied. “well I am 73 years old”
  14. We need one of these guys to step up here and have a super outing .. rotation woes start to become contagious and that is where a well pitched game breaks the run.
  15. Earl Weaver would burn them all himself.
  16. Mainly I trust Elias .. but sometimes i am just smh
  17. I appreciate the discussion. It is clear to me who and what you don’t want, but it is very vague and unclear as to this magical TOR pitcher who you say is one of many out there. I disagree that there are many TOR options and the few you might name will have at least a half dozen teams trying to top any offer we may put together. And putting all our prospect eggs in one huge expensive rental basket just requires any minor injury and the damage to our subsequent year success will be immense in prospect loss and we aren’t drafting high any longer. I will take Hader and Speier with our current in house in system starting options and you name who you will add. I think these two could be available for the same or less as a TOR guy.
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