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Everything posted by Orioles0615

  1. Lol imagine they have a deal finally worked out with 5 mins to go in the deadline. And the Mets say "good deal, ok let me ask JV and Kate if it's ok"
  2. I am offically predicting we get Rich Hill and an Infielder
  3. Yea trade dealine day is hectic. People alway say winter meetings is hot stove central, but ther winter meetings are Trade Deadline Day's fart trail
  4. Well we know he isn't waiving his no trade claus now beacuse the O's didn't retire Mussina's number
  5. They need a bullpen arm along with a starter. Doubt they get both with how slow Elias moves. Most likely won't get either and we will get an infielder who hits .168
  6. They need a bullpen arm and a starter. No chance they get both with how slow Elias moves. Best guess is they get neither and get an infielder who hist .168
  7. If Thursday ends up being a bullpen game it is a completel failure and Elias didn't do his job. Full stop. Stop with the damn mantra of "2 years away from 2 years away" Stop only caring about minor league system rankings
  8. We def. aren't standing pat, I think we make some weird pointless head scratching move. We will not however get any sort of needle mover
  9. Didn't someone post an excerpt from Astroball that said Sig loved to hoard
  10. I am fine adding Hicks. Its also worth noting the Voth, Perez, Lopez and even Cano have also regressed (though Cano is overworked )
  11. Yea I think your floor has to be Lorenzen. If not then don't bother, and go get a legit bullpen arm (not Fuji types) and a then a bat and take your chances
  12. My body is prepared for Rich Hill and another Brett Phillips type
  13. Don't you know we can't trade Ortiz or Norby, then Mateo, Urias, and Fraizer wouldn't have no one to block which is their sole purpose
  14. Sounds like “we are buyers” was a bunch of BS again just like “lift off”
  15. This was also when you could make Waiver trades, and Justin Verlander was traded to them a month later
  16. wait Im confused Is this sarcasm? The O's haven't fixed any of them
  17. I mean Lynn would have been fine a month ago where we have time to evaluate and fix him. I just don't think fixer uppers are a good idea for the playoff and world series push.
  18. We are going to get Lance Lynn. A 36 year old who is awful this year but Elias has "I can fix you" syndrome just because his k rate his up. Well so is his ERA, WHIP, hits allowed, and HR allowed
  19. I fully expect Hyde not to manage games like playoff games if they make it.
  20. Which will be a failure. A real chance to actually go deep in the playoffs and Elias wants to hoard prospects who have no future here. You have to make some kind of impact move, there is no excuse not too. Not everyone player available is going to "EmPtY tHe FaRm"
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