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Posts posted by TheWall

  1. 1 hour ago, RVAOsFan said:

    Right I would like to see Stowers bat too, I guess what I was trying to say is it doesn't look like Hyde plans on using Stowers.  So taking him out of the equation I would rather see Urias and Frazier in the lineup vs McKenna or even Vavra.

    He literally used him yesterday. Fenway is a weird park since they needed to have Hays in RF and were clearly worried about our LF options handling the wall. Lets maybe wait more than 3 games before declaring that Hyde hates Stowers. I'll agree with you if he's still playing 1/4 of the games after a few weeks. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Aristotelian said:

    Interesting, four games, four different LF. None of which is Hays. Would be great if one of these guys could make it through a game without some kind of blunder

    Gotta assume we'll see Hays in LF at home. Made more sense to put him in RF at Fenway w/ dimensions. Agree that we really need to see better defense out there. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. 1 hour ago, 86this said:

    Pedroia averaged 10 HRs a year or 15 HRs in an average 162 game schedule.  Would we expect anything more than this or something like Robinson Cano/Ryne Sandberg power numbers?

    I'd think averaging 10 would be pretty disappointing on the power front considering he's already hit 23 in his first season in the minors. Maybe the power regresses, but I'd hope not. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Gurgi said:

    I would love to see him sent to Delmarva.   The kid wants get to the Majors in two years.   See what he can do in Delmarva. 

    If he is the real deal maybe I can see him in Bowie next year?  That would be special.

    If Gunnar had a similar progression without the lost Covid year he could have done it. His 1st true season included 35 games at Delmarva, 65 games in Aberdeen and 5 in Bowie. Would absolutely love that trajectory for Holliday next year. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Frobby said:

    I’m guessing the draft forum will get a lot less action next year until draft day, since there’s really no telling who will be available by the time we pick, and whoever it is won’t be perceived as a potentially franchise-altering pick, even though that still can happen in the middle of the first round.  

    Quite possibly, but the game threads and discussion of the current team should be a lot more fun then recent years. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Low Country Bird said:

    I think Stowers and Westburg are up this week with Phillips and Nevin out.  Henderson up after next Wednesday.  McKenna can go down temporarily and come right back up on September 1 (unless they hold Henderson down until 9/1).  Then add another pitcher with McKenna/Henderson on September 1 (I think we get two extra players if I'm not mistaken).  Be great if it was Grayson, but doubt he's ready to return by then.  

    I think Hyde rightly or wrongly believes that Odor and Urias are huge reasons why we are in the playoff hunt.  They also seem to be very popular in the clubhouse.  I'm guessing Elias is trying to thread the needle by not upsetting the clubhouse (and rewarding guys who've surprisingly gotten us to this point by keeping them around), but also trying to improve the offense by bringing in the reinforcements.  I guess we will find out soon enough.

    All of this said, I cannot figure out for the life of me why Vavra isn't playing everyday.  He's one of the few guys on the team that can actually work a count.  I don't recall reading reports that he was some kind of butcher in the field but they sure are treating him that way.    

    Urias has come back down to Earth, but he's still been worth about 2 WAR in 83 games. He's definitely part of the reason why we're competitive and has been way more valuable than Odor. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, ManciniFan said:

    This board is so funny. You guys wonder why you have the same 20 posters argue back & forth? You guys just like to hurl insults at one another, so much anger. Have at it.

    I was referencing how he was dominating before the injury and wasn’t recalled despite the need. He was filthy. Should have been recalled a good 2 weeks a month before the injury.

    So before your hurl insults, maybe clarify? Just a thought.  

    He pitched 56 innings at AAA after only pitching 103 innings last year between high A and AA last year. Did you really think they were going to promote him after a handful of starts? 

  8. 59 minutes ago, ManciniFan said:

    Wow, bold. Being that you haven’t brought up your number 1  SP who was dominating earlier in the year (Grod), Gunnar (obvious upgrade at 3b),  Stowers (obvious upgrade at DH/OF) and your biggest signing last year was a pitcher that could eat innings (at an above market rate). I’d rather underpromise and overdeliver myself. Words & promises don’t carry must weight during the Angelos regime. 


    How is anyone supposed to take you seriously when you don't even know that GRod has been hurt for months now? 

  9. 21 hours ago, ShoelesJoe said:

    Not a fan of paying any pitcher $30 or $40 million a year. That kind of money would be better spent on long term extensions for Henderson, Rutschman, and the like. We should be able to deal a handful of our expendable hot prospects for cheaper arms, rather than being high bidder on guys on the down side of thirty. 

    Even if we extend Henderson and Rutschman - our payroll will remain absurdly low. There's no reason we can't bid on high priced pitchers on short term deals. They'll be off the books before any of the core need to be paid. 

  10. 1 hour ago, ledzepp8 said:

    Ha I always like the pop culture references, especially when he's asking Ben about them and Ben's like, "I have no idea what you're talking about".

    Ben had some quote during the July win streak when asked about a TV show where he was like "if it isn't Yellowstone, 1883 or a rerun of Judge Judy I'm probably not watching it." Pure gold. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 1 minute ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    Do we really need to sign any FAs for just actually call up our top prospects?  I guess we could use 1-2 mid rotation arms. 

    We could absolutely use a TOR if we're looking to compete as soon as next year. I have high hopes for Grayson / Hall, but neither is likely ready to carry the number of innings we'll need to make a real run at the division. Means is also coming off of an injury that likely limits his total output. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, oriole said:

    Prior to yesterday, I was excited to see what Santander could bring in via trade. After seeing the type of players Elias was getting back from other trades, I’m happy to see he stayed. We’d have gotten a pitcher who is old for their league but still can’t get guys out and another with a peg leg. 

    Obviously, I’m being sarcastic/dramatic but the point stands. Elias either wasn’t being offered anyone of actual value or Elias thinks himself a wizard. I’m glad that the rest of the team stayed put. 

    Anyways, regarding OP, my guess is 1.

    You don't think trading 2 months of a slumping DH for our 3rd and 4th best pitching prospects is good business? 

    • Upvote 2
  13. 23 minutes ago, now said:

    Agree. The fact they kept Santander, Tate, and any other trade suspects tells me they just moved what we could afford to lose and easily cover in-house, without losing momentum on this season. Especially Santander.

    100% agree. People are acting like we had a fire sale. Trey had been awful recently. 

    Playoffs were always a long shot and they still are, but these trades aren't going to prevent us from getting there. Hell, if we could manage to bench Odor sometimes we could easily make up the 1 WAR we might have lost trading Trey. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, e16bball said:

    For me, I’m waiting until I hear Elias’s comments on the deal. I want to hear how he explains the rationale for the particular return he got. 

    If it’s the sort of “pitching is valuable, you can never have enough of it, we got four guys with good arms, we like them, we’re hopeful and excited about the depth it injects into our system” prattle that we’ve gotten with every lame “quantity” trade we’ve done in past years, I’ll be disappointed. Quantity for quantity’s sake is unmoving to me.

    I think what folks have accurately pinpointed here is that the package seems to lack a true headliner. A higher probability, higher-ceiling guy that profiles as the real “get” from the deal. The internet scouts plainly don’t think there is one, which is largely why the reaction is so lukewarm. If Elias hones in one or two of these guys that they’re particularly high on and focuses on how excited they are to have gotten a chance to land *him*, that would leave me substantially more at ease. I want to know they pulled the trigger because there’s a guy they love and think has a true shot to be a major contributor down the road — not just because they wanted to trade Lopez and figured they might as well take a whack at a few guys who seem to have live arms and a puncher’s chance. 

    He isn't going to give you what you want, but I think you can be confident that they thought this was the best move to improve the organization long-term. 

  15. Just now, Natty said:

    At least Elias can say he did something.

    Hey we got a pitcher who cant pitch because he needs TJ surgery, and another pitcher with a .550 ERA in the minors. 

    "How about that?"


    They got 2 months of a solid DH who has been slumping. "How about that?" 

    • Upvote 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, ChuckS said:

    Johnson was a comp pick (40 overall) in 2019. 

    His numbers looked good prior to the injury but he was only in High A this year as a 23 year old.  That's a little disappointing. 

    Fangraphs had him as the #4 prospect in the Rays system and a top 100 guy. The TJ is a bummer, but seems like a higher upside then anyone you could expect for Trey. I like the trade. 

    • Upvote 1
  17. 3 hours ago, tinman said:


    I get it. But he was #1 overall. 1! As in nobody picked before him. An entire nation full of players and he was the guy picked. So given that he was picked before everybody else I was expecting a cannon for an arm and potential for if not already showing some serious pop in the bat.

    Does anyone in the draft class meet your criteria? It's pretty much consensus that the high school bats were the top prospects in the class. All of them have question marks, but Holliday supposedly has the best hit tool next to Johnson and a great shot at sticking at SS. I'd love to know which scouting reports you've looked at, because everything recent about him is glowing. 

    If it makes you feel better Fangraphs has Holliday as the #17 prospect in all of baseball right now ahead of everyone that was drafted in '21. Jones is #14, but they also have him as a High risk prospect whereas they see Holliday as a Medium risk. 


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