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  • Birthday 08/24/1969

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    Manny Machado
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    Eddie Murray

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  1. Can we audition him in the O's pen?
  2. I remember when he was hired as GM. His goal was to establish "an elite talent pipeline"... On Opening Day, I was convinced he had achieved his goal. The Major League Team won over 100 games last year and we had the #1 rated farm system. Since then, I am a lot less sure... With the exception of Basallo, NONE of our International guys have achieved anything noteworthy. We have graduated a few guys up to the Majors but many of our "better" prospects and/or high draft picks have been really struggling. Beavers has been just ok. Bradfield I knew would struggle to hit and has zero power. Wagner has been hurt and ineffective. Horvath is really having an awful year. I know, we still have Mayo, Norby, Holliday doing pretty well, and Basallo... but is the Elite Talent Pipeline drying up?? We really need Elias to hit on 1 or 2 guys this year in a big way...
  3. I was talking to a former minor leaguer. He tells me "the league figures you out real fast". Word gets out very quickly how to attack guys and get them out. Clearly, the word has gotten out on how to get Holliday out. Now it's up to him (and the O's coaches) to make the adjustments.... Cowser too- they were pitching him very differently at the beginning of the year and he was crushing everything. Now look at how they approach him... Good hitters make the necessary adjustments, but it can take a long time and some can never do it...
  4. If the game gets into the 6th inning with the Yankees in the lead, that game is over. Even the Oakland A's if the game gets through the 7th with them in the lead they will win. Remember the 2014 Orioles? If the game got to the 7th with the O's leading it was over. (I really miss having that.) The current bullpen has me thinking "which guy's turn is it to blow it tonight?" We can't go into the playoffs like that and expect to succeed... On the other hand, I'm not a fan of trading away top prospects either.... Could be tough to fix up this pen. I'm a fan of Kade Strowd and I think he'll be a piece. One thing that amazes me when you watch our relievers pitch is that their pure raw stuff is pretty good. Cionel threw 97 MPH the other night, Baumann and Webb frequently hit 96, same with Cano, and yet they call get hit pretty good. I guess command and location are problematic..
  5. Still seems to be the weak area of the team. The Starting pitching has been fairly consistent overall. The lineup has had some off nights where they do not score a lot. But the bullpen concerns me. I had the misfortune of going to the game Saturday where Grayson Rodriguez went into the 6th allowing no hits, but the offense couldn't do very much. All 4 relievers got hit around pretty good and we lost (extending my Camden Yards winless streak to 9 ) I'm sure a trade or two may be in the future. Kade Strowd is pitching well in the minors and could be a callup at some point if he keeps pitching well.... To me, the rotation has been a pleasant surprise but the Pen is now the main concern....
  6. I haven't really followed the Reds, but I am impressed with their rotation so far of: Hunter Greene Andrew Abbott Nick Lodolo That's a heck of a top of the rotation.... I am actually thrilled we were able to win at least 2.... Good for us! Go O's!
  7. You could say the same about Cole Irvin. I think he's due to regress too....
  8. It will come down to command and consistency for him. I saw DL Hall give up a HR on a pitch clocked at 100 MPH last year. My son pitches for his High School team. He looked at me in amazement and said "How does a guy who throws 100 MPH get hit like that?". I told him pitching is like Real Estate: Location, Location, Location....
  9. Speaking of Wagner, where is he? Apparently out with an injury of some kind...? Aberdeen is also known as a tough place on hitters for some reason. I wonder if it's sight lines or wind or something. Many bats go there to die.....
  10. I wonder who has been the main decision maker with our drafts? I'm sure Elias has some input but is he the one making these picks? Or was it the National Cross Checker? Whoever it was has been doing an incredible job. Although I still wasn't thrilled with the Bradfield pick.... Hopefully this comment ages like milk too!!!
  11. I'm a thumbs down on the mullet.... I'd prefer the ZZ Top type beard- that'd be quite a look...
  12. I'm usually one to panic, but I'm not panicking. He'll hit. He's too good. George Brett started his career 1 for 54.... He could definitely use a few more pounds on him down the road... He looks so little compared to the other guys around him... And he's baby-faced too- looks like a little kid out there...
  13. I think if we trade Stowers now, we'd be selling low and not get as valuable a return.... I'd love to see him get one prolonged look in the Majors. If he mashes, we can keep him or flip him for a better return.... (of course that could backfire and he could struggle, reinforce the Quad A label and get less in return...)
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