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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. In keeping w/ scOtt’s Three Dog Night theme here’s Tanner’s new walk up music.
  2. Where do we land on the roulette wheel tonight?
  3. Looked like himself again tonight. Good CH with better command of everything. Threw more CUs than what I’m used to seeing, a lot of first pitch strikes with that pitch.
  4. Fry is pretty dependable out of the pen.
  5. Couple observations on two guys up that inning....Hays will become a more dangerous hitter if he can become more disciplined and I’d like to see Santander get back to where he was last year over the next two months, on both offense and defense.
  6. Pretty good outing for Means, looks like he’s back on track.
  7. If tasked with drowning a puppy he couldn’t carry it out before dropping the dog as he got to the pool.
  8. Nice to have a little breathing room.
  9. Gee, another game and another ball Severino should have blocked.
  10. Means with a lot of first pitch curves. The get-me-over variety, but effective.
  11. “....logical, but short-sighted.”
  12. I don’t think that’s out of the question. They still probably don’t compete next year, so the team needs someone to eat innings. He fits the bill, quite nicely. And never underestimate the power of a veteran presence on a group of young pitchers. That’s a lot of positives.
  13. Man, what kinda game would it be if Severino wasn’t flailing around behind the plate?
  14. Touched 96 last night, but sat mostly 94-95. I don’t mind the fluctuations in velocity because he has more of an arsenal than do most relievers. Gave up a tough out to Cabrera and then bounced one with a guy on 3B. Don’t do that when Severino is catching, Tate! Seriously, I’ve never seen a catcher who lazily reaches for more balls in the dirt than Severino. The WP was only a foot in front of him and to the right and should have been easily blocked, but Pedro tried to backhand it. Of course, it skipped away. I know, shocking right? And that’s my weekly rant on the worst catcher in baseball. Ok, back to Tate....good job. ?
  15. Yeah, that play at 1B ticked me off.
  16. Well, I must say I’m pleasantly surprised. Harvey has been nails since the All-Star break and he’s only gotten better with each start. Nice to see.... 6.1 IP 6 H 0 R 5 SO 0 BB 81 pitches 58 strikes That’s 18.1 scoreless since the break, if you’re counting.
  17. Aaaannnnd, they’re here!
  18. Constantly out on a limb, huh? You’re reckless.
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