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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Yup, my plan is flawed. Unlesssssss, they are a contending team with a need for more offense from a proven ML hitter with power. Of course, that never has happened or will happen, right?
  2. And use of some sort of electronic umpiring negates one of Adley's biggest skills when he catches.
  3. Why not trade the guy with the expiring contract? They control Kjerstad for six years and he'll be in his prime. AS will likely decline before the contract is up AND he is a proven ML hitter who a contending team will value a lot more than Kjerstad in a playoff stretch run. And now, for the chorus of boos from the peanut gallery. And again, I like Santander, but I like the idea of winning a WS title even more. Santander gets them a frontline starter without depleting the farm. Just an idea, and maybe it doesn't get the guy they need to move the needle, but if I'm calling the shots he's not off the table for the right guy. And the "it's not my money" line is a weak argument. It's someone's money and last checked their market hasn't changed. The bottom line is a consideration and I doubt Elias has a blank check from Rubinstein.
  4. Why? Don't get me wrong, he's been productive, but we have ML ready guys at Norfolk who can play the OF. Santander is a Rule 5 guy from who they've received plenty of mileage. He won't be cheap in the off season either if he continues to produce. Thank him and move on. They'll need that money to buy an arm.
  5. Yes, even now Mullins gets less and less time and he's a plus defender. I'm not sure Hays is even average anymore, serviceable is the better tag. Cowser is good, but better suited to the corners and especially LF at Camden Yards because he covers so much ground.
  6. He's athletic enough to play there is the main thing. The rest is a learning curve. Not sure the timing is right when they're trying to make the playoffs, there's likely to be a few hiccups along the way. But I'd be fine with it. Who knows if they're even considering it?
  7. Exactly this. While I appreciate he could be the guy, they are loaded at MIF. The more I watch Westburg the more I'm convinced he IS a dude. Calling up Mayo to play 3B I'm only slightly hesitant about because I've read regarding his defense. Westburg looks more comfortable at third to me, but I love that he's played 2B at a high level as well. Nice to have so many options.
  8. Yup, he's definitely in the same class.
  9. Yup, he's athletic enough, just a matter of reps out there. There is the chance he's a guy who wouldn't get good reads and take bad routes, but I made the move when I played college from 2B to CF. Although, I wanted to play CF, so maybe I had more a desire at the time to be good at it. He's twice the athlete I was at that age, and I have no doubt he could do it.
  10. Not as much power right now, but that could be coming as his body fills out.
  11. I agree Povich could be more than a fifth starter. Plenty of guy have had successful ML careers without being flamethrowers. And aside from his first start? he's been better than average. Time will tell. Despite Montgomery's ERA I still think he'd be a good option. He's been there before and he's nowhere near his career numbers as of yet. Lorenzen is up and down-witnessed by him throwing a no-hitter with Philly-then stinking it up after and being moved to the pen. He might help to fill out the rotation, but doesn't Povich do that now? Yes, Suarez and Irvin haven't been great lately, but maybe Elias hasn't seen the right piece become available, or they are available, but he doesn't like the terms. Unlike the "coming unglued" take it is a bad stretch. People complain because the bats slump for a few games and then when they do hit the pitching isn't synched up. It's a long season and I'd rather have the guy in charge be someone who is deliberate with deals than reactionary. Last I checked they are up six in the WC and oh, btw still just two back of NY in the division. I saw a report the Dodgers were interested in M Miller. Not to keep beating this drum, but he is the kind of guy who can solidify the bullpen and he's worthy of a haul. They can stretch him out and move him into the rotation, or he can be moved back into high leverage if that doesn't work out. The Dodgers have more resources than do the Orioles, but they often make moves based on winning it all in the year the moves are made. Hasn't worked out, except for the shortened season, but the approach is right.
  12. Good point....have an embarrassment of riches in their system. It really is a testament to their scouting and development that they regularly have guys to "give away" when they want a supporting player to help their bench of all things. So, then, Mateo as the headliner is not as farfetched as it seems for the right team and Dodgers could be the right team for him as well.
  13. Evidence? There's not enough data to support the idea that a six-man rotation does anything more than give an extra day of rest to guys who should pitch more, not less. And I can arguably make the case that a four-man rotation was more successful back in the day AND there were less major arm injuries. I know I'm probably in the minority here, but that just means a lot of you are wrong!
  14. I agree with those who say he probably needs to figure it out in Norfolk, however, they could bring also bring him up for a look when any of Baker, Tate, or Vespi reboard the shuttle. Maybe Povich had earned the call up, whereas they don't think McDermott has done that, but bringing him up as a temporary move couldn't hurt too much for the aforementioned pitchers.
  15. Lol, those who know me will attest to the fact that I'm the guy who walks outta the house without something I need. Same as not remembering the OP and the premise. And we're in agreement there. Mateo is a good piece is and I often think the same with regards to Mullins or Hays. These are not guys around whom to build your team but can be useful in trade packaged with a prospect who is either blocked positionally (Norby) or who they just don't see as productive ML players (Stowers). And yes, y'all those are suppositions, so save the angry responses, they're just examples. Mullins and Hays are nice role guys and getting older. They can help a contender, but they're never going to headline a deal in the same way Mateo won't. Agree about Mateo getting on base to have a chance to wreak havoc, but I think especially with Mateo a contender will value his defense, including his versatility and positional value. Maybe a package for a TOR that includes one or more of these pieces packaged with Povich and Norby/Stowers, Basallo? gets the team that guy who DOES move the needle and steps in for the loss of Bradish. For now....another move to solidify the pen probably needs to be addressed.
  16. McCann, making his presence known. *said with a straight face
  17. That could have been much worse considering they’re crushing balls.
  18. Sure am glad McCann is back there!
  19. I hate that stupid run on contact play, thank goodness they’re dumb enough to put it on.
  20. I’d like to think so, but I’m not so sure.
  21. Indians hitters are champing at the bit to get in the box right now.
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