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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. I get it. Believe me, the ONLY reason I continue to watch them is for guys like Mullins, Hays or Mountcastle (and Mancini). I’d like to see Wells or even Lowther instead of Harvey or Eshelman. Not because I think they’re better, but because it’s an alternative to what the org runs out there as a poor substitute for a team. Give the young guys a chance.
  2. Really, why? What gave you that indication? Other than opening up the Latin American market the name of the owner/s is still Angelos. Elias has more room to operate than did Duquette, but have things changed all that much? I don’t think much of Hyde, but he doesn’t have too many options and Elias is the guy who makes the decision to DFA a player.
  3. “Right now it’s not set in stone, so I don’t want to announce anything, but it’s going to be however we line these guys up,” Hyde said. “I’m going to give Harvey some time off. Probably won’t pitch in that first series or maybe at the end of the first series, but we’re talking our way through that right now.” https://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2021/07/hyde-on-rotation-and-elias-on-upcoming-draft.html
  4. Sure, but the reference was to him pitching to Walsh in the first game. I’d rather watch Ohtani, too, as a baseball fan, but I’d also rather the Orioles win. Jared Walsh should have been walked. If you’re choosing to pitch to a pretty good hitter one night in a game winning situation, then why NOT let Ohtani hit??? Or, is Hyde that bad it didn’t cross his mind to walk Walsh? Makes me think they’re actively trying to lose.
  5. I am so sick of watching this guy. He’s rated as one of the worst catchers in the league and the eye test confirms it. He consistently turns pitches on the edges into balls that the opposing catcher gets as strikes. Not to mention his continued horrible efforts at blocking balls. I swear in the first inning Lopez was talking to himself and for a moment I thought,” He’s thinking, ‘If you’d stop moving the damn glove long enough for the umpire to see the pitch, I might get that call!”
  6. Yeah, the Orioles are bad, but some of the moves by Hyde are inexplicable. Walked Ohtani intentionally twice tonight, so obviously he knows it’s an option.
  7. Ohtani has been hot, but Walsh has had a good year, too. After Ohtani stole second I immediately thought, “He’s gonna walk Walsh now.” Nope.
  8. The sarcasm meter is in the red!
  9. Anyone think with a couple more good starts they can get anything for Harvey?
  10. And I agree with that. However, that is why I found his last appearance unique to date. I’ve always liked the stuff, especially his movement, but the command has been lacking and he’s never showed velocity like that.
  11. Secretly my goal with this whole thing.
  12. That’s great, but the thread is mainly a comment on the increase in velocity. Any comment on that or his stuff aside from the numbers you presented?
  13. I’m sure it was mentioned in the GT, but wow! he looked real good today touching 100 mph. Sat mostly 96-98, but hit 99 mph a few times and the stuff was electric. By far the best I’ve seen from him. Also, had a wipeout slider and a CH with good depth, sink and armside run. The velocity is probably another example of a guy who sees the increase in bursts due to shorter (than as a starter) outings. But overall, his stuff looked great. If he can command the FB at 94-95 mph it would be interesting of the secondaries continue to develop. His arsenal of three solid pitches makes me wonder if they’d consider giving him another shot at starting. Seemed like velocity and command were both issues when they first tried it. I’ve always liked his stuff, maybe he’s maturing....
  14. FB at 89-91 mph was straight, CU was big looping and not much depth, and the CH didn’t have much vertical movement or armside run. A lot of hard hit balls. He seemed to work quickly, so....
  15. I lost the ball as it hit the wall and thought it got out for a sec.
  16. Yeah, I heard it, too. With the way Santander was running it should happen.
  17. Does Vlad pitch? He barely plays a passable 1B. Heckuva offensive player for sure.
  18. And those reasons are? I mean, like I said, everyone knows Lowther and Wells are at best fringe ML players, but I’d still rather see them than retreads. Diaz (when or if he’s ever healthy), too, should be up. AR is the only guy the org can even make a case for playing with his service time, but he should be up. Gr Rod isn’t ready yet. But whoever it is they’re keeping down their reasons aren’t very good ones. If they can bring up Jannis, they can bring up Lowther or Wells. Fans want to see anything is being done and things are being tried. I’ve read more than one post here expressing the teams’ actions are purposefully calculated for them to fail. That’s hurting your prospects (no pun intended) for the short term and hurting fan interest for the long term. If fans start getting a sense that the Angelos boys are really no different from pops in that Elias ultimately has his hands tied, it could get ugly.
  19. Have to say I’m a little surprised. Not with the sentiment, but that it’s coming from you. I get it, though. For me, the only way I can justify watching is that usually at least one guy is doing/has done something that was positive. For much of the season it was Mullins, Means, or Mancini and lately it’s been Mountcastle. A little with Harvey, too. My strongest criticism would be get more of the young guys up. Even if it’s just Lowther or Wells. At least that way they know what they have. You can keep even the casual fan interested w/ the hope of the future. That doesn’t include Matt Harvey or Tom Eshelman.
  20. So, that was Geoff Arnold? I like him, but I don’t remember ever hearing him before....very professional.
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