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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. This HR is about all he's done in the last 30 games. An anemic .622 OPS and .585 in the last 15 games. They've now dropped him in the order.
  2. <p><p><p>Hey, thx for the rep!</p></p></p>

  3. <p><p><p>Hey, thx for the rep!</p></p></p>

  4. <p><p><p>Thx for the rep, brother! Yeah, El Gordo is a character alright, or he gets into character for a living. The character of baseball expert needs some work though.</p></p></p>

  5. It's more likely Wright or Wilson go down.
  6. Now, if they send him down to open up a spot for Paredes I'll have a real problem with that.
  7. Pitchers are more expendable because of how they're used. Manny and Schoop are everyday players.
  8. Not really a consideration if he's sent down. Roster flexibility.
  9. Apparently, no one keeps up.
  10. <p><p><p>Merry Christmas Michael!</p></p></p>

  11. <p><p><p>Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Michael.</p></p></p>

  12. I think the company line was they liked his veteranosity while that process takes place. Or, something to that effect....
  13. They're a big deal here, along with the Rangers. Fun to see, especially knocking off the Evil Empire.
  14. There was no reason to believe he could sustain his first half numbers. He'd never done anything like it offensively except once. He had a 113+ OPS all the way back in 2011 and in 2013 he put up 6.1 bWAR which was largely driven from the defensive side of the ball (4.0 dWAR). BABIP is real.
  15. I wasn't dumping either and defensively he was better than Parra. At the start of the season he played a lot of musical chairs with de Aza and Pearce. I don't think he ever really got in a groove. He definitely didn't perform up to what he could have, but Parra wasn't going to move the needle over what Snider was doing. Especially at the expense of Davies.
  16. -1.2 in two months? That's bad of epic proportions. Maybe they'll get him at a discount.
  17. <p><p><p>Thx for the rep brother.</p></p></p>

  18. Ah, yes, the Gold Gloves. How could I forget?
  19. And we're going to the playoffs with Parra. What's your point? Oh, wait....
  20. Il BuonO

    Zack Greinke

    This late in the season to lower his ERA to 1.58 is just ridiculous. His stuff is filthy. FB 93-95 mph and nasty CU.
  21. I feel the same way about bringing back Davis and Chen. The real question is what difference makers will the Orioles be in on. IMO they need 2 starting corner outfielders, 1B, a solid hitting/fielding 4th OF, And if you let Chen walk a LH SP. If they allow all of the current group to walk and replace them with more AAAA, Snider/Lough types (able to thrive in limited NL roles but are overmatched in starting AL east roles). Then I'd be disappointed about the team letting Chen, Davis, and Parra walk. I'm pretty convinced that the Os are going to do just that and I wanted this non playoff caliber team to sell at the deadline. Even if the Orioles make the last wild card they don't have the team to go far IMO. There are plenty of mid level FA pitching options to replace Chen. Next year, on another team he likely goes back to being a slightly above average pitcher. It's not a completely horrible idea, but they seem content to be what they consider competitive while the farm is in a shambles and the same approach will likely keep it there. I'd like to build around Machado and Jones and sell everyone else including Gausman. We can't ditch Jimenez, we're likely stuck with that pig, so be it. Everyone else can go and we get what we can. Hopefully, Bundy can put together some semblance of a season next year and Harvey comes back healthy.
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